Thursday, June 17, 2010


  Starting today we are going to change the format of this blog. We are going to start exposing the conservative movement for what it is. And point out to younger Americans that a vote for the GOP or the tea bagger party is not in their best interest.  Did you know that a lot of uninformed voters think that the GOP is for the working people of this country, in fact I know a “conservative” who was upset about the health care bill, but was mad because he is now having to pay for his health care. He though it was the GOP who set up Medicaid and Medicare and he did not know that the GOP is trying desperately to dismantle those programs. AS Chris Matthews stated last night, that the GOP and Tea Baggers have become the misinformed and actually showed where the misinformation was coming from.  I am changing this Blog today and with the help of Sena Struck hopefully we can change a few younger minds in to seeing the truth. That a vote for the GOP is a vote for BP types. A prime example of this is this story is the Texas Republican House member Joe Barton who today is accusing Obama of a BP shakedown. So let me get this right, Joe Barton is accusing Obama of a shakedown? So Does Barton think we as the tax payer should pay for the clean up? this is another example of the GOP ideology of “Privatize the profits, socialize the losses” When the country wake up to this nonsense and start voting these imbeciles out of office. It only starts with the expose of the hypocrisy of the right.