Wednesday, July 28, 2010


"Requiring Arizona law enforcement officials and agencies to determine the immigration status of every person that is arrested burdens lawfully present aliens because their LIBERTY will be restricted while their status is checked"........ U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton

Nuff, said.

Carry on.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Hmm seems we are seeing a mass exodus from AZ this week, and I am sure most "Conservatives" think this is wonderful. But here is the question for the people of AZ. Not only are the Illegals leaving AZ but so are Hispanics. And with day Laborers, grounds keepers, chamber maids, and janitors leaving AZ we should see a huge influx of jobs in AZ right? Who is going to fill them is the question.think the housing industry in AZ is bad now, wait till the cost go up four times, and the tourism industry? well you can pretty much end that one as well. One good thing about this is that all the low paying jobs in AZ are now going to be good paying jobs, so for those if you who think this is great , be ready to pay 300.00 for a mediocre golf course and around 500 for a decent hotel, and a sales tax that will blow your mind.