Friday, November 6, 2009


Jimmy and I would like to give our condolences to our troops and their families at Fort Hood. With the tragedy that unfolded, we do not find it fitting or proper to talk politics today simply out of respect for our country and our service men and women.

Thank you and we will see you on Monday.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The "Liberal Media"

Alrighty then, I don't know about you, but from "conservatives" I always hear them cry about the "Liberal Media". Seems this "Liberal Media" is anti "conservative" and never reports on the good things about the "conservatives". The "Conservatives" have used the "Liberal Media" as its whipping post since Nixon, and we all know why Nixon hated the media now don't we, Wink Wink Nudge Nudge. Any ways, so I always hear the complaining coming from the right and never understood why they complained, well, well since the "Liberal Media" is actually owned by the very groups they love, Corporate America. To hear Limbaugh complain about the "Liberal Media" is one of the strangest things, simply because he is on Clear Channel and Clear Channel owns most of the NBC outlets LOL and you know how Fox News and "conservatives" feel about NBC, go figure? So we have this "Liberal Media" and the funniest thing is, after Tuesday's elections, you wouldn't think so. Did you notice that all the hoopla is about two races. One in New Jersey and one in Virginia, well Republicans won both of these races. The "Liberal Media" has decided to run with it, saying that the Obama Admin is in trouble and the Dems are in trouble for the 2010 elections yadda yadda yadda. But if you noticed, as I did, the "Liberal Media" is not reporting on the other nine races that happened, and they definitely are not reporting about the two house seats in congress that were lost by the Republican party. Republicans lost two house seats in Republican strong holds, in fact one of the seats in northern New York, in the 23 District, has been held by the GOP for the past 150 years. The party to hold the seat prior to the Republicans were the Whigs, now that is a story. So next time you here a "conservative" cry about the "Liberal Media" Please explain to them that in REALITY, the "Liberal Media" is actually the "Ratings based media".

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Race in New York

Off all the races this past Nov 3rd, the most important to me was the New York race in the 23rd district. Virginia an important race but not as important as the media and especially Fox News, will make it to be. Virginia is already a heavily
"conservative" state, and with a majority of older folks voting, it falls to "conservatives" hands, but how long has Virgina been a "conservative" state? As for New Jersey, if the "conservatives " could not have beat Corizine, that would have said a lot more about the "conservatives" than Democrats, since Corizine was a very unpopular Governor, and in reality Christy should have won by more than the four points he won by. But of the races to watch, New York's 23 district was the one, we watched the "conservatives" come in and sanction Hoffman because the GOP candidate was to "liberal" in the view of the "conservatives". This was the race Palin, Pawlenty, Thompson, Beck and Limbaugh were all betting on, and were wanting to prove that the "conservatives" are the Republican party. To see them handed a defeat, with a seat that has been in Republicans hands for over a 150 years says a lot. This was a safe Republican seat, and never should have been lost, but when you listen to the extreme, these type of thing tend to happen. If this is the way we are going to see the "conservatives" run the party, will there be a Republican party left when they are done. So here is my question to Ronald Reagan's Republican party, when are you going to take your party back?

Update: Election Results for Nov 3rd 2009
Democrats win 8 seats
Republicans win 2 seats
Independents win 1 seat

As the GOP celebrate over the two seats, they fail to see the significance of the "Palin factor"

Sometimes the media folks....

Well, I'm not going to type too much tonight. I don't feel I have to. I'm just going to copy and paste a few things that I read and answered on a media site that I frequent: Some of the comments are just plain silly, as you'll see below (most are from an anonymous poster)......

"You do not understand the first amendment.. you are in the tank for Obama.. you are not objective and you are hypocrities."
Oh, and with this statement we can see that this person is 'totally' objective.

"You Obama sheep are so "in the tank" for Barrack.. you are journalists.. you are facists. Your opinion is right.. any opposing opinions are wrong and must be silenced.. that's called Facisim.."
It would be more convincing if this so-called journalist could actually spell.

Here is another...
"Secondly.. you are wrong. I do the know the difference between opinion and news."
Read on...

And then the hypocrisy...
"What you absolute MORONS don't get is.. when it comes to political issues.. it doesn't have to be correct.. it doesn't have to be fair"
"We are supposed to allow all opinions!! WHETHER YOU LIKE THEM OR NOT! "

One of my responses...
"most importantly, opinion is not news. That's what you can't get through your thick skull. Most of the people here have agreed that free speech is important. But, to intertwine opinion and actual news is not correct."

His answer...
"WTF is the point of your post? that news and opinion should be seperated?"

"Uh, yeah."

Remember the post stated above? "I do the know the difference between opinion and news"

Wow. What a conversation. This person or persons has no idea what he or she is talking about. It's quite embarrassing for hard working and honest journalists around the world. No wonder the White House wanted to ban FOX 'News'.

Carry on.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Voting against you own best intrest.

I for one will never understand why any one in the middle class would vote for a "Conservative" and why any one in the middle class or lower middle class would defend the likes of Hannity, Beck or Limbaugh. With the current debate on health care happening right now, your hearing from the right that they want things to stay just the way they are and not do anything about health care. Now what baffles me is middle class Republicans saying the same thing, I guess they don't realize that with health care reform and getting the cost under control would actually benefit them not only in their pocket books, but on the bottom line of the companies they own or work for. Health care as we know it is not only crippling our economy and our growth but it is stifling business as well all due to the cost of health care. Getting back to Hannity, Beck and Limbaugh, you have these guys crying about "spreading the wealth" and you have lower middle class and middle class republican repeating this. I guess they didn't pay attention and haven't paid attention that their taxes have not moved, but only the top 5% taxes are going to change back to the Clinton tax cuts, that are still lower than the Reagan tax cuts. You actually have Hannity, Beck and Limbaugh all of who make millions a year getting people who make 30,000 a year and less crying about spreading the wealth lol, and wanting to make sure that these ultra rich guys get to keep paying less in taxes than they do. The middle class worker usually pays around 38% in taxes, where the top 5% are paying 31 to 33% and if your wealthy and make your money sitting around a pool all afternoon while you make millions more on dividends your only paying 18% Yup that's right the more money you make the less you have to pay in taxes, and just pass it down to the middle class to pay. so here is a question for you lower middle class and middle class voters, why are you voting against your own best interest?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Are we watching the GOP implode

Wow seems the 'conservatives' really do want the moderates out of the GOP. With Dierdre Scozzafava, backing out of the race in northern New York. seems the Conservatives may just get their wish. But will this help the GOP or hurt them? I say it will hurt them. Seems the conservatives think they will actually be able to increase their numbers by being "more conservative" With this type of thinking and the total disregard for the actual elected officials in their own party calling for more moderates, seems the "Conservatives" are hell bent in destroying the GOP. With out the moderates the "Conservatives" are an even smaller party. I guess with the discontent in Washington right now "conservatives are thinking they can actually take back the house and senate, but with more and more people abandoning the GOP and going Independent, this could be the nail of death for the GOP. The Conservatives seem to think that they are the Country and have failed to realize that President Obama was elected overwhelmingly by the country. I guess it broke their brains to see a Dem not only win the election but by a large margin, even larger than Reagan's win over carter in 1980. The conservatives seem to think they can win both houses back with the fly over part of the country and win elections with out the north east or west coast, but that is literally impossible, a majority of the country live in these areas and they will have to be won to take not only congress but the white house as well. The Conservatives in my view will more than likely become a regional party, having a strong hold in the south, but not really any where else for a while. The conservatives will have to learn the hard way that in order to be the party in power, you have to be inclusive in your party, if you make your party one type of thinking and only one type your party is doomed to fail.

Roger Ailes and Fox Noise Race Baiting

Sunday, November 1, 2009

H1N1, hmmm.. ever thought of this?

So, I've been following the H1N1 issue and all the problems they are having getting the vaccine to the masses. Many are up in arms because the vaccine isn't being made fast enough or distributed quickly enough, even conservatives. When the cure does arrive to a particular part of the country, everyone lines up for a shot. Conservatives, liberals, anglo, hispanic, black, chrisitian, muslim.... The list goes on and on. But, wait a sec. If the government is making sure that a cure for a pandemic is being provide for EVERYBODY (wait for it).... Wouldn't that be considered National Health Care? Think about the hypocrisy of the 'conservative' right. They get their panties in a wad over an OPTION that is being proposed, yet they curse the government when a vaccine isn't readily available.

Ever thought of that?

Carry on.