Thursday, May 16, 2013

Obama care vote again!!!!!!!

So once again the house of reps is wasting time on a vote that will not pass, what a major waste of time and money!!!!!!!  Boehner should be held accountable for this nonsense, and waste of tax payer dollars and time. Mister Boehner do your job please. You are the shining example of government tax dollar waste.




501 (c) 4

So with the smallest amount of research and as I predicted the  whole story coming out, seems the “tea party” groups complaining actually have nothing to complain about. Simply for the reason they did get their status.  But the complaining may actually bring more about than they planned and they could actually have once again shot themselves in the foot. From a simple Google on the tax status of 501 (c) 4 this statue  is very clear and from reading it I don’t see how a political group fits into any of this. Especially the Social Welfare status they signed under. We as a nation should now demand a complete investigation in to this and make sure organizations such as the Heritage Foundation, Cross Roads, Americans for Prosperity who are all filed under this tax status are what they say they are and not a political  organization, and well we know that answer don’t we. I don’t have a problem with being tax exempt if it is legitimate but I don’t see how a group who want no taxes can be considered a social welfare group. So Once again we are waiting to see what really happened and as I said we as a nation now should demand that political groups follow the extent of the law, and clearly this does not.


This is two parts of the sky is falling by cants, one more to go and it does look like the AP story is going to be just that.  Voters should take notice and vote these people out of office in 2014 we will see wont we.







Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Brat Factor

Since President Obama  was elected President,  we have seen the GOP go in to complete Brat factor and with the current “scandals” going on we are seeing the brat factor in full force. But reality we all know the GOP and “conservatives” politically are emotional animals and they tend to let their emotions or “gut instinct”  rule their ideology instead of fact and logic.


So with this if this turns out to be another “the sky is falling” moment for the GOP, then we as a nation should vote them completely out of office and they should be left to wander in the political desert for a very very long time. Trust me I know how bad it looks and if Obama is responsible then he should be held accountable, but if there is nothing there then we as a nation should hold the GOP responsible for a waste of time and money and vote them out of office and let them stew on that for a while.


Let’s face it , the GOP is currently having a hey day with all of this without thinking of the consequences that could and probably will come down the road. Let them have their fun, but when it’s all said and done and this does turn out to be a “The sky is falling”  moment, then we as a nation should do with them what a lot of grown up’s do with a brat.







Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Benghazi, Phone Records and the IRS

Wow seems we are defiantly seeing some crazy stuff coming out this week and seem’s the first question that needs to be asked is if there were any law broken and sorry to say but the initial reports say no. Did some line get crossed yes looks like it, but do we have the full story yet not quite, so what do we do. Well I say instead of flying of the handle we should wait and see the reality of this. If the Obama admin did coordinate this then I say he should be impeached and the book should be thrown at him.


Benghazi, - well this story when you hear from the experts from both sides was a horrible thing, and should be investigated on the failures of the CIA and how we can in the future TRY to keep this from happening again, but when you look to history this will happen again it is bound to and WILL happen again I promise you. I feel the investigation should start with the cutting of the funds, and was this politically motivated or if  it was ideologically motivated, I bet the second one and it should be exposed that due to the funds being cut in order to keep Mitt Romney’s 13% tax rate we have four dead in Libya. This bull shit of wanting to know why Obama didn’t send troops is nonsense, and from the experts, military commanders have said multiple times they  would not have been able to get anyone or anything there in time to stop this.  The Diplomatic outpost that was attacked was just that and yes there was a video involved so stop fooling yourself in thinking there was not. I would bet before the ambassador and his guards were briefed before they went to Libya that there was a good chance they could be killed, they were after all in a war zone and I am sure as soldiers that go into a hostile area, write letters to their loved ones and had their wills in order before they even stepped foot inside Benghazi. And reality here we as a country have wasted millions on this with no new outcome maybe we should investigate why so much money is being wasted on this by Issa and his cohorts.


Phone Records and the AP– Well this one is scary since without a Press we may not know what our government is doing. But so little has come out and what has come out is “Phone Records” not Phone tapping as some suggest but records showing who called who. AS I said this is scary but the initial reports coming out show the DOJ followed protocol on this and got its ducks in a row, and with the press they have to very specific on what or who they are looking for. And if it is for a leak about a suspected terror suspect or event the GOP a few years back would have said this was justified simply because it was about a terrorist act. But reality is we don’t know enough about this “scandal” to be second guessing anything.


IRS – Well personally any one filling for tax exempt status for social well being tied to the tea party, I would check them as well, simply because with Bachman and so many other being caught red handed with their hands in the basket they should be investigated and especially if they are a lobby group lobbying our government, and they are requesting tax exempt status? Sounds fishy to me and I am sure that as more of this comes out it will smell fishy to others as well. And on a side note, the head of the IRS was a Bush appointee, maybe he should be investigated to see if he has ties with Rove, simply for the fact Rove hates the TEA PARTY and this could have been politically motivated but by someone with a different agenda, like winning elections and since we know Rove blames the tea party for the loses, it is def a place to look as well.


Sena Man








Monday, May 13, 2013

Bull Crap

Reality about Bengazi there were no laws broken even though the GOP think Obama should have been able to break the law of Physics to get the military to the Diplomatic outpost. there are no new facts no smoking guns and no orders coming from the white house and the military saying again for the umpteenth time they could not have responded in time to have done anything. these are the facts, so the GOP is now having to work on "talking points" and how they were released, are you f' ing serious  talking points!!!!!! all this wasted time and money on talking points!!!!!!  The GOP may have just shot themselves in the foot, and by the way what about wasteful government spending?  We need to investigate this to keep it from happening again, but to make this in a political foot ball as the GOP has is a shame on the GOP and the country see this for what it is, a political circus. no wonder the country does not like congress, instead of focusing on Jobs the GOP controlled house is focusing on BULL SHIT!!!!!!!!