Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Sarah Palin Factor

In northern New York, Sarah Palin and the "Conservatives" what ever that means, are running against the GOP? you read that right, Sarah Palin and the "conservatives" are running against the GOP and have started their own party!!!! The party right now consist of Thompson, Santorium, Pawlenty, Palin to name but a few.
Seems they want to use the northern New York race to make a national statement and teach the GOP a lesson. Well they just may get their wish. This Northern New York seat has been held by a Republican for decades, in fact this is one of those "safe" republican seats. What the "Conservatives" have not figured out yet, is that they will probably SPLIT THE REPUBLICAN VOTE! Now for me that is all good, since I would love to see a Democrat walk into that "safe" seat if even for one term, because of the division of the GOP. I mean for the "Conservatives" to give a "safe" seat to the dems, would be a beautiful thing and would probably add to the death stumble of the conservative movement as we know it today.

Is there Really such a thing as a Republican Fiscal conservative?

This is a question I have pondered for a while. I keep hearing the term "Fiscal Conservative" but do they really exist? Or are they more like Sasquatch and nothing more than a myth. I know I know, they all praise Reagan as being the "conservative god" but he really wasn't a "Fiscal Conservative" not even close. With some basic elementary school research, you will find that Reagan actually was the first to leave a large deficit. With military spending and the asinine "Star wars program" that sunk billions into the pockets of the war machine. He literally left the largest deficit of all President's combined before him, including FDR with his programs. One thing Reagan did figure out and "fiscal conservatives" will try to deny, is that you have to have taxes to run the government, so simple a five year old could figure it out.
In fact Reagan had eleven tax increases, that is right eleven of them, he had to balance the books. Your constantly hearing from the right wing that, "Democrats want large government", and "Democrats are the tax and spend party". But didn't Bush and the "Fiscal Conservatives" in congress get us into the current fix we are in. With cutting taxes on the top 2% in a time of war, well that was down right stupid and a huge mistake. If you look at it like this, Bush cut taxes to the tune of about 1.3 trillion from our treasury to give to the top 2% while at the same time took us to war in Iraq and Afghanistan to the tune of another 1.7 trillion dollars. That is 3 trillion dollars in debt, so tell me, what in the hell is so "Fiscal Conservative" about that?
I know I know young padawan, Bush was "Not" a Conservative. But explain to me why, for the past eight years and especially the last four years of his presidency you said nothing? Nothing at all and in fact you supported him in his escapades with the deficit and declared we "had to do it for our safety", when it comes to big government I view it as what it is.

Democrats want large government to help the people of the United States.
Republicans want large government to wage war.

Any way you look at it, we as a nation want large government.
Some want it to help create a better life for all.
Some want it for the procurement of death.
So tell me what side do you fall on?

The reason Evan Bayh is against the public option

When are we as a Democratic party and as a nation in general going to stop electing these guys. With the simplest of research it is easy to find why Evan Bayh is against a public option in Health Care, his wife is being paid very well to keep the public option out of the current bill. Seems our country is no longer "we the people" but "we the insurance companies". With Lieberman and Bayh both having ties, wedding ties to the insurance companies I feel it is time that we as a nation and as a Democratic party make sure these type of politicians do not get elected any more. For Bayh and Lieberman to vote against the will of their states and its constituents, is well having a large set, may be a dumb set but a very LARGE SET! Lieberman's state of Connecticut, is in fact in favor of a public option by a large majority of 71%, and to come out now and say your going to "filibuster" with the republicans? what in the hell is that!!! This will be the first time in history that some one in a caucus will filibuster that same caucus, I say boot him. As for Bayh, he is another one that is showing his only vested interest in the senate is his own pocket book. He does not give a damn about his constituents and with any luck, in the next election, we will see his removal. If your going to vote like a republican mister blue dog guy, then we should have a real republican in that seat Senator Bayh.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fired for GOD Pin

OK Social "conservatives" let the howling begin. In West Palm Beach, Trevor Keezor was released from his job for wearing a "one nation under GOD" pin on his uniform. Now where the howling will be coming from is the right and the right will want to "boycott" Home Depot and will want Home Depot closed, due to the "religious persecution" they will perceive as happening here. You would think that "free market conservatives" would be coming down on the side of Home Depot, but I predict in stead they will abandon their "Free Market" principles and jump for the Religious Rights idea on how this country should be run. One pattern I am starting to see with "Conservatives" is the lack of actually standing by what you supposedly believe in and preach. You will hear "free market conservatives" say "let the markets sort it out, but once something like this happens, trends in the Conservative party will show they will want to start legislation to protect this person, even if it is in a private business. I find the ironic part of this story to be that Home Depot is based in Atlanta Georgia, the Conservative south, lets watch and see how Fox news and the social conservative,s handle this one.

Joe Lieberman, His loyalties are where?

OK enough with Joe "the back stabbing bast***" Lieberman, when are we as a Democratic party gonna boot this guy. I mean come on in the last election he supported McCain, and actually had the balls to call President Obama a "Muslim", He slammed Obama during the entire election like he was in a professional wrestling match. After the election Obama being the bigger man talked with the back stabber and talked Reid and the dems into letting Lieberman keep his seat as the Chairman of Home land security. If you want my two cents and I m sure you don't if your conservative, I say boot the guy, if he wants to be a republican strip him of his committee seat and make him caucus with he republican party, and in his next election bid make sure his constituents know he voted for the Insurance companies and not his states best interest. Good riddance and get rid of the bast***. He is going to filibuster with the GOP because of one simple reason, his wife Haddassah is a lobbyist for the Pharmaceutical/ Health care provider GlaxoSmithKline. Have any wonder to where his loyalties lie? It definitely is not with the people of Connecticut.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Obama Video Challenge

Rec an email from Obama camp today, they are having a health reform video challnge, here is a sample and click on the title to take you to the site. Enjoy

The Opt Out

In the health care debate , we are finally seeing some progress, but what about letting states "Opt out". When I first heard this I was a little unsure but after some thought, It may not be such a bad idea for democrats after all and here is why I say this. Imagine we get a Health care bill and every one for the first year has access to the Government Medical Insurance Program, then after a year Republican strong holds, Conservative state run Governments decide they want out of the "government program" and opt out. Well here is where it could become a good thing for the democrats. The red states would go back to the option we have now inflated prices with no real control on prices, and you would see the poor and the self employed either uninsured again or with minimal coverage at an extreme price. Then you have a state next door with the public option and the people of that state paying 1/2 if not less that the red state. From this point the republicans in control of the state would then have to explain to their constituents why they are paying inflated health care prices when the state next door has better, cheaper, health care. I think from this point you would see more republicans voted out of office and in the states where the local government opted out the big local issues would be health care and opting in. This may be another place where Republicans shoot them selves in the foot.

Monday, October 26, 2009

How do we pay for it?

Seems Republicans are so worried about the deficit we leave to our grand children, you hear them beat that drum over and over again. But when it comes to war and the war machine, why are they the exact opposite? I have not been able to figure this out, Are they really the war mongers, or are they really "chicken hawks", I cant say but I do know for a fact that when it comes to deficit spending they want none of it. No help for children, the elderly, the sick, the poor.

So if Republicans who want to cut "entitlement" spending, to save our grand children from all this deficit burden, why do they so easily turn around and want to spend trillions in a war effort. I have a step son in the military, Army ranger and he has served in Iraq, and this was a pretty scary time for his mother and I, we did a lot of praying for those fifteen months, and he luckly came home safe. He is from what we are told going to be deployed into Afghanistan, and with this knowledge, I have to say give Obama his time to think this over.

Maybe if the last admin would have done this, we never would have gone in to Iraq and we might possibly be out of Afghanistan by now, but this we will never know and today we have what we have. So I say mister President please make sure, if you are going to be sending our soldiers in to harms way, make sure it is for a real purpose, a real mission, don't send them into fight for an "ideology" or nation building. From a Step parent of an Army Ranger please before you put my family member in harms way, make sure you know, he knows and we as a nation know why he is going in. Any ways back to how are we going to pay for it. So when this deficit spending comes up, ask your local "Conservative" how they intend to not leave the rest of this war spending to our Grand children. Because the last President has already left 1.3 trillion from the last eight years. So, mister fiscal conservatives, how do you intend to pay for the continued war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
This is a great video put together by media matters, and shows the truth behind Fox noise. Lets face it, Fox News wants to call it self a "news" organization, but once they actually took up the mantra of being the 24 hour anti Obama TV station and nothing more, they stopped being news and became a political adversary.

Census Count

Here is a funny one for you, we hear Michelle Bachman yelling for "Conservatives" to "not participate" in the up coming census. Does this Kook realize if "Conservatives" do not participate in the census, they could find themselves in Democratic strong holds. Wouldn't that be ironic, that the one tool Delay used to remake Texas a Republican strong hold, would actually hurt the GOP. And how much do you wanna bet that the "Conservatives" that do not participate in the census from that point on will then blame President Obama, as they blame him for everything else. What happened to the GOP mantra "self responsibility" well I guess that only counts for those of use who are not Republicans.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sundays review

Tonite the yanks beat the angels, yanks and phillies in the world series.
