Thursday, July 8, 2010

For or Against the USA

Weasel Word

Weasel Word, here is the def for what Fox Channel, Limbaugh and the rest of the right wing talking heads are saying.



What a Conservative America would look like

Been doing some reading, something most cants seem to know nothing about LOL just kidding, a little. Any ways I have been reading about Colorado Spring, the bastion of Conservative America and what is happening there is quite interesting. In Colorado, the State voted to have a TABOR law put in place, which in a nut shell says that the state government cannot raise taxes unless the people of Colorado vote on it, the same thing California has done and we see the devastation it has done there. But Colorado Springs went one step further and created tabor law on top of the existing law. What we are now seeing in Colorado Springs is the Conservative Idea of America. In the springs they have already started to cut services, in Law enforcement, Fire dept, transit systems, park and recreation and get this, they started to turn off the street lights, in fact out of the 22,000 street lights they have turned off around 8000 street, lights. Now with the lights off and the police in a weakened number seems it could turn out to be a bastion for criminals coming in as well. One of the sad things in the Springs is that is you have break in or something that is deemed to be not an emergency, the police will only take a report over the phone and will more than likely not show up. But the city as a whole is turning for the worst. The City parks have all but been abandon, they even pulled out all the trash cans so as not to have to spend money on trash collection, and water the grass are you crazy? That is something that was first to be cut. So know they have brown, over grown, fire prone parks in the city. As for the conservative America at work here, it is exactly what the “conservatives” in this country want. In parts of the city where the people can afford to pay to have street lights on ( the upper parts of town) the upper class are “adopting” parks and street lights to make sure their part of town is still in nice shape, but how many working Americans can afford to do this. Seems the well to do in Colorado Springs don’t mind the infrastructure collapse of the city since it does not affect them. Cants will say that the city Government is being paid too much and is something “conservatives” are already touting in the area. They feel that all state employees should only be paid 24,000 a year or less. That is barley a living wage. We are seeing the “Conservative “ idea of America unfold in front of us in Colorado Springs and if this is where Conservatives think America should be, well we as a country need to make sure that All conservatives are voted out of office. Seems to me Becker head is calling the Progressive of this country a cancer and seems the real cancer in Colorado Springs is the Consevative idea of how America should be.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fear and Immigration.

I’ve been in to politics for a long time, and I love the “battle” as it is said. But in the past few years I have noticed a disturbing trend coming from Cants.  I don’t know if it is in their Psyche or if it due to the programs they watch and listen to, but it is defiantly something to notice.  Seems the fear mongering really got going during the Bush years, after 9/11 and seems the cants realized or figured out that they could try and control the masses through fear, and reality is, it actually worked during the 2004 election cycle. Remember the red terror alerts after the Dem convention, that ended the momentum coming out of the convention. And the continued fear mongering after the election to get what the Bush and Cheney admin wanted. Well today the only ones being scared in to submission is the cant party. With Fox Channel and Limbaugh and the right wing talking heads, seems they are on the path of scaring their audience into submission, to keep them in line. I guess my question to this is, why would anyone let this happen to them. Why would someone live in fear constantly and continue to let someone or something scare them into submission.  I think they do this to keep them in line, but to also hide the truth from them as well, point in matter is the immigration thing. Right now we are seeing the Right wing up in arms about “Illegal immigration” and we are seeing a movement coming from the right to send them home, and are all for the way Arizona is handling this, and today on the talking head shows you hear cants defending the law and saying it is the federal governments fault for the problem, more like it is Obama fault but that is another story. But they have either failed to realize, or not been told or more likely failed to do any research, to find that Arizona has the strongest E verify laws in the country. Only 5% of the state is actually using the system, that means that 95% either have no illegal’s or have a lot and like the fact that the illegal’s are keeping their pockets lined due to low low wages. I would bet the answer lies in the middle leaning to the side of having lots of them. Seems what the cants don’t want to hear, is that the answer to ending illegal immigration is not in deporting the illegal’s and building a fence, but a much simpler answer. Holding the employers responsible is the place to start, you start there and for those hiring the illegal’s fine them heavily the first time, 2nd time freeze assets and toss the Ceos or owners in jail, this will end the hiring practices across the board, and with no jobs, the illegal’s go home on their own and bam, it’s done. It is cheaper and a more COST effective way to handle this. The funny thing is you would think that Cants would be charging down the road to make sure that the illegal’s were given citizen ship status as Regan did, but reality is Reagan today is to the far left of the Cant party we see today.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

ACLU issues warnings for travel to Arizona

ACLU issues warnings for travel to Arizona

Arizonia Law Challenged

By BOB CHRISTIE, Associated Press Writer Bob Christie, Associated Press Writer – 4 mins ago

PHOENIX – The federal government took a momentous step into the immigration debate Tuesday when it filed a lawsuit seeking to throw out Arizona's crackdown on illegal immigrants, calling it a law that blatantly violates the Constitution.

The lawsuit filed in federal court in Phoenix sets the stage for a high-stakes legal clash over states rights at a time when politicians across the country have indicated they want to follow Arizona's lead on the toughest-in-the-nation immigration law.

Glenn Beck U, you're kidding right?

Wow I just heard and read that Glenn Beck, the Becker head is creating his own “on line university” and the classes will revolve around Religion, History and Economics. So you’re telling me that the king of misinformation is opening his own school?  This is hard to fathom for anyone who actually reads and studies for themselves, I find this amusing and disturbing at the same time. So is Beck university  going to teach that Jesus really didn’t care about the poor and the sick, and was more interested in “free markets” “war” and as a friend once told me “freedom”, this one concept alone, that should be a flag to anyone who thinks or calls them self a Christian. And in History is Beck U going to be teaching that the African Americans were sold to the slave masters by their own people and that a lot of them came over by themselves looking for work and there really was no slavery in this country, that the civil war never really happened and that it was all a “liberal media lie” I mean this is actually pretty disturbing considering that a lot of people who listen and watch Beck actually only get their info from one news source. Oh sure they think they are getting it from different sources but have not put together that Fox Channel, Wall Street Journal and the New York post are all owned by News Corp, they just fail to do any research o their own. This could be quite scary, this is all we need in our country, is a so called learning institute that actually is more interested in changing history that it is in teaching it.