Friday, November 13, 2009

How dumb can they be?

OK so here we go again. You have Prejean go on Larry King live and pouts when she does not like the questions asked. Another example of "conservatives" wanting softballs in interviews. Seems "conservatives who make their own messes, don't want it talked about, how dumb can you be to go on national TV and not expect to be asked hard questions. And of course another "conservative" playing victim. I thought "Conservatives" frowned on "victim hood"

Attn: you can Buyer this.

Another example of a corrupt "Conservative" this guy has no remorse and with any luck, Indiana will vote him out.

Watch CBS News Videos Online

Thursday, November 12, 2009

OK, what ever you say.

Did you see where Hannity was showing film of Becks rally and trying to pass it off as Bachmans rally. Seems he should have thought about the time of year and what time of year we are currently in lol. lets say Bachmans rally should of had fall colors in it and not summer colors.

How about Palins Book with five chapters lol that's right five chapters, Superman's last comic had more chapters than that! ( well not really, it only had three, but damn that did sound good lol) man those must be some long chapters lol I bet my grand daughters second grade reading book is better reading lol.

How a bout Colburn standing in front of the GI bill because he wants to know how were going to pay for it,he wants to know what were going to cut first before he signs on to it. Noble cause almost, but Colburn voted for two war supplemental and did not worry where the spending cuts were going to come from, and he helped Bush run up 1.7 trillion in war spending. so why now all concern mister Coburn.

Lou Dobbs quits CNN, wanna bet he is moving to FOX lol ,yea he will bring "credit" to fox noise lOl.

Shame on our country

I know I know some right wing hack is going to see this title and say "see I knew progressives hated our country" with out actually even asking why I put this on here. Well as the Grandson of a world war two vet, and the son of a Vietnam vet and the step dad of an army ranger who has already served a tour in Iraq and is getting prepared to go to Afghanistan. The way I see us as a country treating our vets just flat out disgust me. Call me a socialist if you will but to me any soldier who goes to war for our country and is wounded should never ever have to worry about any thing in their life again. I'm not saying to make the person wealthy but the soldier should never have to sit in wheel chair and sell flags to try to make a living, how sad is that for our society. A wounded soldier should never have to worry about a roof over his head or for his family if they can no longer provide it, never have to worry about food, or health care for their family. When we as a nation turn our backs on our vets, and especially wounded vets, physical or mental, we should be ashamed off our selves for letting this happen. When we let the people who have defended our freedoms and have done what the average person in this country wont do, then these people need to be taken care off. If it is the GI Bill to go to school, or buy home we a nation should demand they are taken care of. 4000 vets a year die due to the lack of health care, shame on us, hundreds of thousands of vets are homeless, shame on us, millions of vets go through life mentally scared, shame on us. How can we as nation take compassion on anyone if we do not take compassion on the AMERICAN VETERAN.

Call Tom Coburns office and tell him to vote for our hero's, the American Soldier.

Thanks Grandpo, Thanks Pop, Thanks Christopher for doing what most of us are afraid of doing, you guys are the best America has to offer.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Health Care is What?

ON Friday I was talking to a friend, and the discussion turned to health care.
MY Friend was telling me that he felt that the public option was bad for business and was completely against it. In fact I do believe at one point he even called it "socialized" medicine. Normally I would leave it there but here is where the twist is in this. My friend who is a "Conservative" and a republican, who is against entitlements is actually using the entitlement programs he is so much against. He is making slightly above minimum wage and has no health insurance provided to him by his job, so he is, here it comes, on Medicaid and Medicare. The last time I checked, these were government programs. I also have a good idea that his Grand parents who are also "Conservatives" are on Medicaid and Medicare as well. So here is the question, why do we have "Conservatives" who are screaming against any health care for the average Joe, using the same programs they are so against. Im my mind I think we should start calling them out on this, and demand they get off of any government programs they are on. I find this to be the hypocrisy of the whole frigging "Conservative" party. I mean wouldn't it be great if we could by party affiliation, start knocking people off of government programs, if your a Republican conservative, you get no help for the government in any form ,except for use of the commons and then we force these people to live their ideology. I simple way of ding things, but will never happen, because the same people who are complianing, would find something else to complain about.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Fox News are you serious?

So tell me, how serious can we actually take Fox News any more? I mean with Obama calling them out and News papers calling them out how much more can we actually say they are a "News Organization". Sesame Street, yup that is right, Sesame Street making fun of the fact that they are trash TV, and this past Saturday on SNL, you have the first skit of the night showing just how ridiculous this "News Organization" is. It was quite comical over the weekend, but also a little disturbing. Today on Monday the 10 of November I am sure we are going to be hearing the Right talk shows screaming over this past weekends events. And of course it will be the "liberal" medias and Obama's fault. And the Conservatives will begin to play what they say they hate, the victim. This is all we have heard from them in a while, in fact they have even gone to the point of demanding Apology's from Talk show host and Dems in congress. Seems to me , that the "Conservatives" have become pretty thinned skinned, but I guess with the realization that their ideology and way of thinking has completely failed may have something to do with that.


Sunday, November 8, 2009