Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wow 2

As I have said in the past seems  the cants are trying to re write history and well are not living in reality. If you read the following ideologue form a can’t friend of mine, you will see how for all the problems we have sustained under Conservative policies that cants are desperate to blame Liberals and progressives, forgetting that for the past 30 years cants have pretty much ruled the country. The problems we are seeing now with  our country all stem back to conservatives principles and Reganomics, but for your enjoyment and a laugh here is what cants are trying to convince themselves what happened.

Sena man


President Obama continued his scorched earth attack on Republicans, saying:

"And what the other side is offering is basically to go back to the same ideas that got us into this mess in the first place….They are peddling that same snake oil they have been peddling for years. They basically -- they spent a decade driving the economy into a ditch….This is a choice between the policies that led us into the mess, or the policies that are leading out of the mess." [Emphasis added.]

Well, let's see what got us into this mess in the first place.  The roots of the housing bubble and the financial crisis go back to the Clinton Administration, who with liberal Congressional Democrat allies like Barney Frank, gave birth to the subprime mortgage market as part of the liberal/left "affordable housing" policy. The Clinton Administration joined with the Obama allies at ACORN even back then to use the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) to pressure banks to break down traditional mortgage lending standards. Clinton's Justice Department and HUD added to the bonfire with discrimination lawsuits against banks that were reluctant to go along. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac got with the program to drop their standards as well to cycle trillions in subprime and substandard mortgage backed securities throughout the financial community in America and across the globe.

George Bush and the Republicans actually sought legislation to stop this developing danger and disgrace from 2002-2006. But they were shouted down by liberals including Barack Obama as racists who just didn't want minorities and the poor to enjoy home ownership. Barney Frank famously said at the time that he wanted to continue to roll the dice on these affordable housing policies, to the shame of his stupid constituents who keep voting for him.

Rather than acting to prevent this crisis from ever happening again, Obama has used the crisis from the start as a bait and switch excuse playing us to push America into the canyon of braindead, long outdated socialism. Instead of snake oil, Obama is hawking us his Grecian formula of magical stimulus beans and record shattering federal spending, deficits, and debt. Remember that was supposed to prevent unemployment from soaring to 8%. Instead we have suffered a year of unemployment around 10%, with Obama's pal Harry Reid telling us several months ago, "Today is a big day in America. Only 36,000 people lost their jobs today, which is really good."

Moreover, instead of ending Wall Street bailouts, the Reid/Obama financial reg reform bill institutionalizes federal authority for still more bailouts. Then next year comes chapter 2 in the Obama nightmare, with sweeping, across the board, tax rate increases on America's employers and investors. Even before that, the double dip recession already beckons. With the Reid/Obama/Pelosi federal deficit already at $1.6 trillion for this year, what will it be in the double dip, which will come next year if not this year.  





1. The largest Medicare debt (2003 Medicare Plan D) est. $35 TRILLION, $35 TRILLION!
2. Doubled the national debt by giving the rich tax cuts from $5 Trillion to over $10 TRILLION
3. Started 2 wars, not funded
4. Emptied out the Social Security Trust Fund
5. Caused the collapse of the entire worlds financial system
6. Created T.A.R.P. to bailout Wall ST, $700 BILLION
7. Then handed the banks the 1st $350 BILLION with no strings attached
8. Lost more jobs than created



Wednesday, July 14, 2010


So here we have an article that is quite disturbing, and once again from an uninformed person. If the person responsible for this crap would have paid attn, they would have realized that the police officer in question shot a man, in the back at point blank while the man was handcuffed and on his stomach. The man shot was no threat and had been no threat. And I do repeat he shot a MAN, a human being, a person with a mother and a father and a family.

The Berkeley/Oakland area was on high alert last week...but not because of a natural disaster, like an earthquake.     

A jury was deciding the fate of a white police officer charged with killing a black male at a BART station. People all around town began preparing for riots, certain that if the verdict was "not guilty," the streets would erupt with violence. 

This is not the first time that riots have occurred relative to this incident. Mobs have already broken windows, looted stores, beat people up, and destroyed cars. The attitude then, as well as now, is that "we" have a right to riot.

Why? Why do certain groups have a right to riot? And why do others make excuses when livelihoods are ruined, millions of dollars are wasted, and innocents are hurt?

My opinion? Liberal racism.

A colleague said this to me the other day. "That police officer should be found guilty. But if he's not, they have every a right to riot."

She was simply expressing the typical liberal view. But let's pick this apart.

If thousands of Jews or Chinese or white males looted stores and burned cars, would the public be so tolerant? I don't think so. Are we really talking tolerance here, or something else entirely -- a colonialist, superior attitude?  

Put bluntly, when liberals say that "they" have a right to riot, what's the implication here? Is it that blacks are primitive, out-of-control Neanderthals? Those Jews, Chinese, and white males are expected to have self-control. No such expectations exist for designated victim groups like blacks and Latinos. 

By treating blacks as a special class, liberals marginalize and infantilize. Liberals also set the bar insultingly low.  

Obama and his handlers knew that white liberal guilt could be exploited to their advantage. They realized that Obama would be insulated from scrutiny.

But it's not just guilt; it's also a white feeling of superiority. Because you have to see yourself as on top to offer special treatment to those on bottom.

Obama has been the Teflon President because of the color of his skin. Liberals are giving him a free ride.

We see it every day when criticism of Obama evokes cries of racism. But who are the real racists here?

Are the racists those conservatives who hold everyone accountable to the same standards? Who believe that people should be judged by their character and their behavior, not their race, creed, or color?

Or are the racists those white liberals who treat Obama like some delicate flower? While liberals still eviscerate George W. Bush, any judgment of Obama is off limits.

It's not just whites who are enabling Obama by acting like his protectors. Blacks voted en masse for Obama. Sadly, what has he offered them?

From the start, it was obvious that Obama, though half-black, had never done anything for the black community. In Chicago, his actions hurt blacks.

Obama was a huge supporter of Tony Rezko, a notorious slumlord, now a felon. When Obama served in the state senate, black residents picketed Rezko's offices to protest their rat-infested, unheated apartments.   

And what has Obama done to help blacks since he's been president? One of Obama's first actions as president was eliminating the DC school voucher program that offered poor black kids the chance for a better life.

Obama and the Democrats have created record debt and crushed the economy. A depressed economy hits minority groups especially hard.

And then there is Obama's push for amnesty for illegals. How is giving jobs to millions of illegals going to help blacks, who have unconscionably high unemployment rates?

But there is one perk Obama has afforded the black underclass -- the right to behave brutally. Obama's Justice Department dropped charges for those New Black Panthers who allegedly threatened and harassed people at election sites. 

This encouragement to act out is deeply cynical and manipulative. It's designed to control racial minorities and promote social unrest.

Although Obama has only agitated, not uplifted, Americans, most liberals regard him as their icon. To them, Obama is the Great Black Hope. 

Liberals handle Obama with kid gloves. In the meantime, they turn a blind eye to his dangerous policies, like flirting with radical Islam. Liberals make excuses for the plummeting economy, blaming their usual bogeyman: conservatives.

They refuse to see Obama without the rose-colored glasses. Why? Because when it comes to Obama, liberals see a black man deserving of special treatment.

Will the real racist please stand up?

A frequent American Thinker contributor, Robin is a licensed psychotherapist and a recovering liberal in Berkeley. You can e-mail her via Due to time constraints, she regrets that she may not respond to your e-mail.

Conservtive's are you serious?

Here is a Conspiracy theory that I am dealing with, when it comes to a Cant friend of mine, talk about out there. These people have been so frightened that they are now seeing things, that actually have no consequence to them. As I have said, the GOP has these people so wrapped up in fear they are starting to believe anything and everything they are being told. Here is an example. I guess the one thing they can not seem to figure out is, EUROPE IS NOT THE UNITED STATES!!!!!!

Coming soon to America if the progressives remain in power. Remember, they’re already trying to do it, I sent you plenty of examples.

There is a pan-European consensus, fertilized by multiculturalism, that tolerance and peaceful coexistence require the restriction rather than the protection of freedom of speech. This has led to the mushrooming of hate-speech and so-called anti-discrimination laws that criminalize expressions characterized as “hateful” or merely “derogatory” toward members of religious, ethnic, national, or racial groups.

Should European victims of hate-speech laws turn for protection to the plethora of human-rights conventions signed by European states, they will discover that no help is forthcoming. The European Court of Human Rights has decided that hate speech is not protected by the European Convention on Human Rights, and the same court has also sanctioned the seizure and censorship of “blasphemous” films and books that insult religious feelings.

The ubiquitous European hate-speech laws represent a clear and present danger to freedom of expression in the Western world. Not only do they interfere with the basic right of the individual to speak his or her mind even if it causes offense, they are inherently arbitrary and prone to abuse. The determination of which expressions are “hateful” or “derogatory” is highly subjective; the atheist and the fervent believer are unlikely to agree on where the limits of religious satire should be drawn. And in an era of identity politics, when people are encouraged to think of themselves primarily as members of racial, religious, or ethnic groups with special rights rather than as individual citizens with equal rights before the law, “racism” and “hatred” have become very broad concepts indeed.

Tea Baggers... Are you kidding me?

A group of Tea baggers in Des Moines, Iowa put up a billboard comparing President Obama to Hitler and Lenin. When will these stupid and unpatriotic events end? Some of their claims have been downright comical... But, this is just stupid. A sign like this really shows the stupidity of the Tea Party. Yeah, some Tea Party members 'criticized' the billboard, but did they demand that it be brought down? No. The bottom of the sign reads: "Radical Leaders Prey On the Fearful And Naive". What? Are you kidding me!!! I seem to remember a certian president that won the 2004 election because he scared the hell out of people with his rhetoric. The darling of the Tea Party movement (Palin) used fear-mongering when she ran for VP (Maverick, sheez.). The billboard is as unpatriotic as it can get. The Tea baggers responsible for it should be investigated and brought to justice and sent back to Europe. Oh, wait... Now I sound like them.

Carry on.