Monday, November 16, 2009

Obama and the 'bow'...

I have been reading over the couple of days about Obama 'bowing' to Japan's emperor and the supposed 'outrage' it caused from the right. Sometimes it's hard to believe the stupidity of some people over such a simple gesture. Pictures and video of the bow are posted all over the place, as though the President did something wrong. As a long time Martial Artist I have bowed thousands of times to friends and opponents. I have done so in tournaments, amateur fights, training, or practice. And, if I may boast a little... I never lost. Well, once I did, it was a Kumete competition and I really didn't know the rules. I took 2nd place. Anyway, 'bowing' isn't showing weakness as the right has been proclaiming. Bowing to your opponent or friend is actually demonstrating strength. Bowing demonstrates honesty and trust. Not weakness. It is absurd to compare Dick Cheney's nonchalance of meeting the Japanese emperor to Obama's meeting. In some Asian cultures, not bowing is the sign of weakness and distrust.

Boy, the right will try and find anything to glare at, even a simple gesture of trust from our President.

Carry on.

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