Friday, July 15, 2011

Obama and the debt ceiling

I have been paying attention the past few weeks to this issue, and to tell the truth I don’t get it. from 1980 to today we have raised the debt ceiling over 30 times. We have people in congress who voted more than seven times to raise the ceiling and in fact some and I wont mention names voted eight times under Bush to raise the ceiling, so why the problem now?  In my view and this is my view, not some spin as some call it. I see it as the GOP doing every thing in their power to make sure Obama fails. I find it sad as an American that some would actually want to see the President and this country fail, simply for political gains, but this is the way  politics have become in our country, party first.

I remember a few years ago when Bush was President,  “conservatives” were screaming and demanding respect for the President and how it was unpatriotic to disagree with the President, especially in a time of war, remember those days? Well last time I checked we still have two wars going and soldiers in harms way.  I guess being unpatriotic only counts for Republican Presidents and only Republican Presidents. Because some of the same people that demanded this respect for Bush are now doing the exact thing they despised towards Obama. It would be nice to see just for once, that certain group actually trying to live to the standards that they demand of everyone else.

The debt ceiling will be raised and the bills will get paid you can bet on that. Obama said some stuff on Wed the 13 of July, that scared a lot of people, me included but I was thinking it’s bout time Obama grew a pair. In my view, maybe it is time to scare some people back to reality. To complain about entitlements when your getting entitlements makes no sense, and yes quite a few who are collecting SS, and receiving Medicare and Medicaid are part of the group complaining. And this group Obama probably scared the hell out of them and if this is what it takes to get people involved in the voting process to help them see they are voting against their own best interest. I know, I know some will say this is “fear mongering” but if this is what it takes for people to wake up then so be it.

I have one thing I like to tell “conservatives” when I debate them. they always say they want smaller government and to cut spending yadda yadda yadda, but when programs and services they use are on the chopping block they tend to get very upset. I always  like to say to them

“This is what you voted for, your supposed to be happy”

Monday, July 11, 2011

A new reality.

When I started this blog I do have to admit, I was a little, well no a lot one sided. But after a debate with a good friend of mine I came to realize I had become some what fanatic, and in fact had become like the right wing fanatics I so disliked. Listen, I do still think that we as a society can make things better for everyone, and no I’m not talking about hand outs but I am talking about making sure that if some one is on a string of bad luck or a child is born and needs a helping hand why don't we help them, what's the problem? We have become a nation of me and screw every one else. well this is going to be a reboot of this site, I still believe in we the people and I for one understand that we as a nation must move forward.