Friday, June 11, 2010

Conservatives at it again?


 With this tea bagger thing, and yes I will call them tea baggers, you would think the mentality of “privatize the profits and SOCIALIZE THE LOSSES”  would be a thing of the past. But you have Boehner and Donahue both calling for the Federal Government to pick up the tab on the gulf spill. So let’s see exactly how the Tea baggers react to this or if they will do exactly as I think they will and remain silent. In fact I am almost willing to bet that they have no clue this is going on. Fox Channels is probably not playing this and since it is coming from the “main stream liberal media” a bunch are probably just ignoring it, even with Boehner saying it on national TV.  Ok Tea Baggers prove me wrong, and maybe I will start calling you the Tea party, but I bet you say and do nothing.





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