Friday, June 11, 2010

Ok so what is it?

OK so I have not written in a while but you know what, now I,m getting p***** and it has to do with the oil spill in the gulf. Yes I am p***** at Obama for not responding fast enough but I am more p***** about the so called "conservatives". I started this blog a while back to point out the nonsense and hypocrisy of the so called "conservatives". I, no ill take that back, we listened to a lot of conservatives and fox channel foam at the mouth about socialism health care and the taking over of business and such, but we are now hearing these exact same people complain about Obama not doing enough and in fact I even listened to tea bagger favorite, M Bachman complain that Obama was not forcing fisherman to skim the oil in the gulf. So Conservatives who complained about socialism are now wanting our government to force people to do labor? OK so which one is it.

I am going to pick this back up, I took a break for a bit, political overload, but I'm coming back. So those of you in the fact free zone, here I come.

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