Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Glenn Beck U, you're kidding right?

Wow I just heard and read that Glenn Beck, the Becker head is creating his own “on line university” and the classes will revolve around Religion, History and Economics. So you’re telling me that the king of misinformation is opening his own school?  This is hard to fathom for anyone who actually reads and studies for themselves, I find this amusing and disturbing at the same time. So is Beck university  going to teach that Jesus really didn’t care about the poor and the sick, and was more interested in “free markets” “war” and as a friend once told me “freedom”, this one concept alone, that should be a flag to anyone who thinks or calls them self a Christian. And in History is Beck U going to be teaching that the African Americans were sold to the slave masters by their own people and that a lot of them came over by themselves looking for work and there really was no slavery in this country, that the civil war never really happened and that it was all a “liberal media lie” I mean this is actually pretty disturbing considering that a lot of people who listen and watch Beck actually only get their info from one news source. Oh sure they think they are getting it from different sources but have not put together that Fox Channel, Wall Street Journal and the New York post are all owned by News Corp, they just fail to do any research o their own. This could be quite scary, this is all we need in our country, is a so called learning institute that actually is more interested in changing history that it is in teaching it.



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