Thursday, July 8, 2010

What a Conservative America would look like

Been doing some reading, something most cants seem to know nothing about LOL just kidding, a little. Any ways I have been reading about Colorado Spring, the bastion of Conservative America and what is happening there is quite interesting. In Colorado, the State voted to have a TABOR law put in place, which in a nut shell says that the state government cannot raise taxes unless the people of Colorado vote on it, the same thing California has done and we see the devastation it has done there. But Colorado Springs went one step further and created tabor law on top of the existing law. What we are now seeing in Colorado Springs is the Conservative Idea of America. In the springs they have already started to cut services, in Law enforcement, Fire dept, transit systems, park and recreation and get this, they started to turn off the street lights, in fact out of the 22,000 street lights they have turned off around 8000 street, lights. Now with the lights off and the police in a weakened number seems it could turn out to be a bastion for criminals coming in as well. One of the sad things in the Springs is that is you have break in or something that is deemed to be not an emergency, the police will only take a report over the phone and will more than likely not show up. But the city as a whole is turning for the worst. The City parks have all but been abandon, they even pulled out all the trash cans so as not to have to spend money on trash collection, and water the grass are you crazy? That is something that was first to be cut. So know they have brown, over grown, fire prone parks in the city. As for the conservative America at work here, it is exactly what the “conservatives” in this country want. In parts of the city where the people can afford to pay to have street lights on ( the upper parts of town) the upper class are “adopting” parks and street lights to make sure their part of town is still in nice shape, but how many working Americans can afford to do this. Seems the well to do in Colorado Springs don’t mind the infrastructure collapse of the city since it does not affect them. Cants will say that the city Government is being paid too much and is something “conservatives” are already touting in the area. They feel that all state employees should only be paid 24,000 a year or less. That is barley a living wage. We are seeing the “Conservative “ idea of America unfold in front of us in Colorado Springs and if this is where Conservatives think America should be, well we as a country need to make sure that All conservatives are voted out of office. Seems to me Becker head is calling the Progressive of this country a cancer and seems the real cancer in Colorado Springs is the Consevative idea of how America should be.

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