Thursday, May 16, 2013

501 (c) 4

So with the smallest amount of research and as I predicted the  whole story coming out, seems the “tea party” groups complaining actually have nothing to complain about. Simply for the reason they did get their status.  But the complaining may actually bring more about than they planned and they could actually have once again shot themselves in the foot. From a simple Google on the tax status of 501 (c) 4 this statue  is very clear and from reading it I don’t see how a political group fits into any of this. Especially the Social Welfare status they signed under. We as a nation should now demand a complete investigation in to this and make sure organizations such as the Heritage Foundation, Cross Roads, Americans for Prosperity who are all filed under this tax status are what they say they are and not a political  organization, and well we know that answer don’t we. I don’t have a problem with being tax exempt if it is legitimate but I don’t see how a group who want no taxes can be considered a social welfare group. So Once again we are waiting to see what really happened and as I said we as a nation now should demand that political groups follow the extent of the law, and clearly this does not.


This is two parts of the sky is falling by cants, one more to go and it does look like the AP story is going to be just that.  Voters should take notice and vote these people out of office in 2014 we will see wont we.







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