Monday, May 13, 2013

Bull Crap

Reality about Bengazi there were no laws broken even though the GOP think Obama should have been able to break the law of Physics to get the military to the Diplomatic outpost. there are no new facts no smoking guns and no orders coming from the white house and the military saying again for the umpteenth time they could not have responded in time to have done anything. these are the facts, so the GOP is now having to work on "talking points" and how they were released, are you f' ing serious  talking points!!!!!! all this wasted time and money on talking points!!!!!!  The GOP may have just shot themselves in the foot, and by the way what about wasteful government spending?  We need to investigate this to keep it from happening again, but to make this in a political foot ball as the GOP has is a shame on the GOP and the country see this for what it is, a political circus. no wonder the country does not like congress, instead of focusing on Jobs the GOP controlled house is focusing on BULL SHIT!!!!!!!!






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