Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Time to move on

Sit back and think about this, it’s really is quite simple, the GOP has lost the last 6 of the last presidential elections, their last sitting president was so horrendous they would like to forget those years but cant and he is probably the most disliked president in American history and will go down as so. Obama is a popular president and the GOP have to knock him down and will do so even to the fact of making things up and creating scandals to do so. They have to, the economy is getting better, housing market coming back, job numbers improving, his policies are working and they know it. Obama and the Dems have had little to no help from the GOP, so in order to try and be a viable party the GOP have to bring Obama down, that is the only path they have left to be viable. Kind a sad when you really think about it, The GOP is currently where the Dems were in the early 80's and until they figure that out they will continue down this path of nonsense simply because this is all they have left from a dying ideology. No the GOP is not a dead party but they have a dead ideology.  The GOP will restructure itself without the craziness we see in today s GOP, it is called elections and the GOP voters will tire of this bull crap and start voting those people out of office.  It’s coming trust me because as I said the GOP as the Dems were in the early 80's have to move on.





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