Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Time to move on

Sit back and think about this, it’s really is quite simple, the GOP has lost the last 6 of the last presidential elections, their last sitting president was so horrendous they would like to forget those years but cant and he is probably the most disliked president in American history and will go down as so. Obama is a popular president and the GOP have to knock him down and will do so even to the fact of making things up and creating scandals to do so. They have to, the economy is getting better, housing market coming back, job numbers improving, his policies are working and they know it. Obama and the Dems have had little to no help from the GOP, so in order to try and be a viable party the GOP have to bring Obama down, that is the only path they have left to be viable. Kind a sad when you really think about it, The GOP is currently where the Dems were in the early 80's and until they figure that out they will continue down this path of nonsense simply because this is all they have left from a dying ideology. No the GOP is not a dead party but they have a dead ideology.  The GOP will restructure itself without the craziness we see in today s GOP, it is called elections and the GOP voters will tire of this bull crap and start voting those people out of office.  It’s coming trust me because as I said the GOP as the Dems were in the early 80's have to move on.





Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I was part of an interesting conversation this weekend with some family members. Well I actually just listened simply for the fact I have learned with “Conservatives” if  you say anything against their beliefs they get hostile and I learned a long time ago with these family members to not say anything and let them go and sit quietly in amazement on what they have to say.


So the conversation started of course with the usual, bash Obama and “liberals” for making the country a bad place to live and its “liberals fault” for all the problems the country is facing yadda yadda yadda. But when this phase was over they moved in to the part I always find amusing. I always find it amusing when I hear conservatives my age talk about pensions and how they have disappeared and how they won’t or may not have the money to retire when they need it and so forth, and I find it amazing to think that you must not be paying attention to the law makers your electing because one of the most fought over items for conservatives for the past 30 years is getting rid of pension’s and how business should not have to pay them even in the face of it being owed to their employees. The “Conservative” movement was about taking care of yourself and no hand outs.


And the most amusing thing I also find with their complaint from this group is how they either are currently working for the government, just starting in the government or retired from the government. It is just amazing that they want to complain about “liberals” and think the “conservative” ideology is the way to go. I guess when you have let the conservative media tell you that the “liberals” are out to get you and get you focused on other nonsense items, you fail to realize that you may just be voting against your own interest.





Thursday, May 23, 2013

Would you like so cheese with that whine

OK I have come to the conclusion that the one thing “conservatives” have going for them, is their uncanny ability to whine. They have gotten to be so good at this political whine that they can at times get the media to focus on the subject they are currently whining about.  It must come from their child hood and I would bet that they were the kids who wanted to play with YOUR toys and claim them as their own and would not want to share even in the smallest amount. Most people grow out of this but the sad thing is, seems “conservatives” get stuck in this mode. And this ties in to their Daddy complex they all seem to have, seems a lot of them may not have grown up emotionally at all or very little any ways.

Isn't it quite amazing how they can all whine in unison, I have “conservative” friends here in Albuquerque and some in Texas, miles away from each other and no clue that the other exist, but ill be damned they have the same whine about the exact same thing at the exact same time, to have a whining network is well just amazing. Kinda changes the perspective of “conservative” radio does it not? I mean to these groups to whine in unison they have to have a central base somewhere telling them the Whine D’jour.

I suspect in the near future you will hear them whine about why the rest of the country is not being tuned in to their D’jour and this time it is going to be hard for them to blame the “Liberal Media” for the lack of enthusiasm for their Whine D’jour.  

Care for some cheese? 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Kidding right?

Alex Jones you have to kidding right ? you cant be serious.

Nice Blog Entry

Dear Conservative Land (which includes Fox News, conservative talk radio, Congressional Republicans, and Republican rank-and-file voters),

I hate to say it, but you were asking for it. I know we on the left are always telling you guys how wrong it is to even imply that rape victims were “asking for it,” but that’s because you are all a bunch of un-evolved sociopaths who have no sympathy for anyone but yourselves. However, in this case, when it comes to all the “scandals” swirling around Obama, scandals that by the way haven’t had an impact on Obama’s approval ratings, you were indeed asking for it.



Thursday, May 16, 2013

Obama care vote again!!!!!!!

So once again the house of reps is wasting time on a vote that will not pass, what a major waste of time and money!!!!!!!  Boehner should be held accountable for this nonsense, and waste of tax payer dollars and time. Mister Boehner do your job please. You are the shining example of government tax dollar waste.




501 (c) 4

So with the smallest amount of research and as I predicted the  whole story coming out, seems the “tea party” groups complaining actually have nothing to complain about. Simply for the reason they did get their status.  But the complaining may actually bring more about than they planned and they could actually have once again shot themselves in the foot. From a simple Google on the tax status of 501 (c) 4 this statue  is very clear and from reading it I don’t see how a political group fits into any of this. Especially the Social Welfare status they signed under. We as a nation should now demand a complete investigation in to this and make sure organizations such as the Heritage Foundation, Cross Roads, Americans for Prosperity who are all filed under this tax status are what they say they are and not a political  organization, and well we know that answer don’t we. I don’t have a problem with being tax exempt if it is legitimate but I don’t see how a group who want no taxes can be considered a social welfare group. So Once again we are waiting to see what really happened and as I said we as a nation now should demand that political groups follow the extent of the law, and clearly this does not.


This is two parts of the sky is falling by cants, one more to go and it does look like the AP story is going to be just that.  Voters should take notice and vote these people out of office in 2014 we will see wont we.