Friday, June 25, 2010

Glen Beck is an Idiot

You know... I do a lot of reading. I love to read about sports, politics, science, religion and whatever else appears interesting. I read some things this morning that either made me laugh out loud waking my sleeping daughter; made me mad; or I shook my head and just said "are you kidding me?" The Tea Party voice; Glen Beck - has said some pretty stupid things on his program. I know some of these items are old, but wow. He actually accused the President of The United States as a racist. Then later, he accuses the first Muslim U.S. Represetative of being an enemy, only because of Ellison's beliefs. He said that he's sick of 9/11 victims being on TV and he wants them to shutup! He called Katrina victims 'scumbags'. The list goes on and on. It's hard to believe that anyone could listen to this idiot. Oh wait... Republicans do, and they buy into Beck's nonsense. Nevermind.

Carry on.

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