Friday, June 25, 2010

Who side are Cants on any ways?

I guess if you want Monopoly’s and want the rich to be the ruling factor you would think of “progressives ” as a cancer, since it is progressives who want a fair market and a competitive market. We know from recent history cants talk about free markets but do everything in their power to stifle it. They do not believe  in a free market, they believe in a market they control and do everything in their power to kill the innovations of the future. In fact we are seeing that ideology at work today with the oil spill in the coast.  We are seeing with our own eyes in real time the harm oil is doing to us as a people and to our nation, but cants are standing with oil trying to stifle any new energy ideas coming forward, it is in cant interest to keep the US on oil, and buying oil from countries and people who do not like us. You always hear cants question the “patriotism” of liberals, progressives and anyone else they do not agree with, but shouldn’t we be questioning their loyalty, when it is their passion to keep us enslaved to an industry that at times hates the American people  and its culture, makes you actually think about who side the cants are on.




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