Friday, June 25, 2010

Immigration Lunacy

Everyone knows about the immigration debate. The happenings in Arizona, drug and people smuggling.... It's a never ending story. But, does it have to be? The Tea Party and many Republicans applaud the Arizona law. Why? Do they really think this stupid law will really help? I think it was just a ploy to keep the debate alive and make sure the far right as are angry as they can get. This debate isn't about the issue anymore, it's about emotions; on both sides. The Rep's are trying to piss each other off because of the November elections. It's all politics and not rational thinking.

See, the problem isn't so much about illegal immigration. The problem lies with the companies that hire these folks. The problem is with the U.S. citizens who buy the drugs that are smuggled here. Many Progressives (including me) want the businesses that hire illegal immigrants jailed, fined, or shut down. Rep's don't. It's ironic how they talk about Reaganomics and the trickle down theory. Well, it goes both ways. The trickle down theory would work better with the immigration problem. If we dried up the jobs, arrested the owners/managers that hired illegal immigrants, there wouldn't be such an influx of people illegally crossing the border. Why? Because there would be no reason for them to come. But, I tell you this... The Rep's don't want owners punished. They WANT illegal immigration because they know that their base HIRES illegal immigrants. They know that those business leaders NEED the cheap labor that illegal immigrants do, and no one else wants to do. Farmers, ranchers, restaurants, warehouses, mom and pop stores of all kinds. Many of these owners/managers think they are Republicans, but more than that... They are hypocrits. As for the drug smuggling.... As long as there is a market for an illegal drug, it will be produced in other countries and sold here. No matter how many fences are built, silly cameras, Border Patrol, Military, Minute Men... etc. Criminals will find a way to sell their 'goods'. All of these illegal activities have to start from the top. From the business owners that hire illegal immigrants to the Chiefs of the drug cartels. Only then will we see a drop in illegal immigration.

Carry on.

1 comment:

  1. This was an excelent article sena struck,
