Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Conservtive's are you serious?

Here is a Conspiracy theory that I am dealing with, when it comes to a Cant friend of mine, talk about out there. These people have been so frightened that they are now seeing things, that actually have no consequence to them. As I have said, the GOP has these people so wrapped up in fear they are starting to believe anything and everything they are being told. Here is an example. I guess the one thing they can not seem to figure out is, EUROPE IS NOT THE UNITED STATES!!!!!!

Coming soon to America if the progressives remain in power. Remember, they’re already trying to do it, I sent you plenty of examples.

There is a pan-European consensus, fertilized by multiculturalism, that tolerance and peaceful coexistence require the restriction rather than the protection of freedom of speech. This has led to the mushrooming of hate-speech and so-called anti-discrimination laws that criminalize expressions characterized as “hateful” or merely “derogatory” toward members of religious, ethnic, national, or racial groups.

Should European victims of hate-speech laws turn for protection to the plethora of human-rights conventions signed by European states, they will discover that no help is forthcoming. The European Court of Human Rights has decided that hate speech is not protected by the European Convention on Human Rights, and the same court has also sanctioned the seizure and censorship of “blasphemous” films and books that insult religious feelings.

The ubiquitous European hate-speech laws represent a clear and present danger to freedom of expression in the Western world. Not only do they interfere with the basic right of the individual to speak his or her mind even if it causes offense, they are inherently arbitrary and prone to abuse. The determination of which expressions are “hateful” or “derogatory” is highly subjective; the atheist and the fervent believer are unlikely to agree on where the limits of religious satire should be drawn. And in an era of identity politics, when people are encouraged to think of themselves primarily as members of racial, religious, or ethnic groups with special rights rather than as individual citizens with equal rights before the law, “racism” and “hatred” have become very broad concepts indeed.

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