Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tea Baggers... Are you kidding me?

A group of Tea baggers in Des Moines, Iowa put up a billboard comparing President Obama to Hitler and Lenin. When will these stupid and unpatriotic events end? Some of their claims have been downright comical... But, this is just stupid. A sign like this really shows the stupidity of the Tea Party. Yeah, some Tea Party members 'criticized' the billboard, but did they demand that it be brought down? No. The bottom of the sign reads: "Radical Leaders Prey On the Fearful And Naive". What? Are you kidding me!!! I seem to remember a certian president that won the 2004 election because he scared the hell out of people with his rhetoric. The darling of the Tea Party movement (Palin) used fear-mongering when she ran for VP (Maverick, sheez.). The billboard is as unpatriotic as it can get. The Tea baggers responsible for it should be investigated and brought to justice and sent back to Europe. Oh, wait... Now I sound like them.

Carry on.

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