Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wow 2

As I have said in the past seems  the cants are trying to re write history and well are not living in reality. If you read the following ideologue form a can’t friend of mine, you will see how for all the problems we have sustained under Conservative policies that cants are desperate to blame Liberals and progressives, forgetting that for the past 30 years cants have pretty much ruled the country. The problems we are seeing now with  our country all stem back to conservatives principles and Reganomics, but for your enjoyment and a laugh here is what cants are trying to convince themselves what happened.

Sena man


President Obama continued his scorched earth attack on Republicans, saying:

"And what the other side is offering is basically to go back to the same ideas that got us into this mess in the first place….They are peddling that same snake oil they have been peddling for years. They basically -- they spent a decade driving the economy into a ditch….This is a choice between the policies that led us into the mess, or the policies that are leading out of the mess." [Emphasis added.]

Well, let's see what got us into this mess in the first place.  The roots of the housing bubble and the financial crisis go back to the Clinton Administration, who with liberal Congressional Democrat allies like Barney Frank, gave birth to the subprime mortgage market as part of the liberal/left "affordable housing" policy. The Clinton Administration joined with the Obama allies at ACORN even back then to use the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) to pressure banks to break down traditional mortgage lending standards. Clinton's Justice Department and HUD added to the bonfire with discrimination lawsuits against banks that were reluctant to go along. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac got with the program to drop their standards as well to cycle trillions in subprime and substandard mortgage backed securities throughout the financial community in America and across the globe.

George Bush and the Republicans actually sought legislation to stop this developing danger and disgrace from 2002-2006. But they were shouted down by liberals including Barack Obama as racists who just didn't want minorities and the poor to enjoy home ownership. Barney Frank famously said at the time that he wanted to continue to roll the dice on these affordable housing policies, to the shame of his stupid constituents who keep voting for him.

Rather than acting to prevent this crisis from ever happening again, Obama has used the crisis from the start as a bait and switch excuse playing us to push America into the canyon of braindead, long outdated socialism. Instead of snake oil, Obama is hawking us his Grecian formula of magical stimulus beans and record shattering federal spending, deficits, and debt. Remember that was supposed to prevent unemployment from soaring to 8%. Instead we have suffered a year of unemployment around 10%, with Obama's pal Harry Reid telling us several months ago, "Today is a big day in America. Only 36,000 people lost their jobs today, which is really good."

Moreover, instead of ending Wall Street bailouts, the Reid/Obama financial reg reform bill institutionalizes federal authority for still more bailouts. Then next year comes chapter 2 in the Obama nightmare, with sweeping, across the board, tax rate increases on America's employers and investors. Even before that, the double dip recession already beckons. With the Reid/Obama/Pelosi federal deficit already at $1.6 trillion for this year, what will it be in the double dip, which will come next year if not this year.  




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