Thursday, July 1, 2010

Immigration Lunacy... Arizona... Continued

A friend visited my brother and I last night. He's a staunch Republican. So, as you probably know... Our conversations soon turned to politics. Now, the friend is a good person and he's a great musician. I believe he has a good heart and really thinks he knows what he's talking about. But, alas... he doesn't. We discussed the Arizona Immigration Bill, which he supports... and my bro and I are against. It made for a lively discussion! Well, there are several things in our discussion that I didn't have direct info... But, I'm going to post a few of them here; just for our friend, who claims to be a "Constitutionalist".
1. Okay... he being a "Constitutionalist" shouldn't agree with the first lines of the bill. Four times the word "Amending" was used. Four times the word "Revising" was used. Three times "Adding" was used. Wow, according to 'Constitutionalists' there was to be no change. That in itself is hyprocrisy.
2. The bill says that they want to discourage unlawful entry and economic activity by persons in the U.S. While I agree with this in some respects... Who's going to do the work? I can take you to a few dairy's, ranches, and farms in New Mexico.... The owners are hiring the illegal workers. Should I take things into my own hands? Guess I shouldn't because then there would be no one to pick/seperate the taters, chilies, peanuts, and other goods that we produce.
3. Our friend says that most of America wants change in the Immigration Policies... No Amnesty! Funny. Bush Jr. was all about amnesty. The Reps had all the chances in 8 friggen years to change policy and they didn't do it. Now, all of a sudden it's Obama's fault. That is plain stupid. And people that listen to the right wing zealots are not too bright, either.
4. I keep hearing that a "Lawful Stop" is the term used in the bill. Such as a speeding citation, theft, whatever... The bill does not say that, it isn't true. People claim to have read the bill... The bill says: "Any legitimate contact made by an official or agent of this state... Where reasonable suspicion exists is an alien". This could mean anything. If me and my brown skin were in a store, and a police officer came in; that is considered 'legitimate contact'. That officer can take me to jail if he/she believed I was here illegally. Is that fair and reasonable? I was born in these states, my mother, father, grandfather, and great-father. My direct relatives fought in wars for this country; for freedom... and this is what we are supposed to expect from one of our states? Our representatives?
5. It's so funny that the 'law' targets illegal immigrants so harshly, but barely touches on those that hire the illegal workers.... (Shortened) 'It is unlawful for an occupant of a motor vehicle to hire or pick up passengers if the vehicle blocks or impedes traffic.' That is so hypocritical. Okay... We are going to give you a ticket for blocking traffic, but go ahead and hire all those illegal immigrants in the back of your truck. Sheez.

These are a few things to consider... I'll be back with more. Hopefully, you have all read the 1070 law. I look forward to all comments.

Until next time... Carry on.

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