Wednesday, June 30, 2010


The stimulus has not even been used up half way and does not go into full effect in till the end of 2010 and Obama according to ants is responsible for 18 months of a crisis that Bush and his cronies created. According to Beacker head the recession and the collapse started in 2005 which was still under complete can’t control and so to blame Obama and the dems for the colossal screw up of the cants is not only being unfair but is also being unrealistic.

Cants want us to forget about Bush and the Bush policies that got us to where we are at and in fact cry about it when it is brought up, but then they go back to when “Reagan” was president. Well the Bush policies were the Reagan policies on steroids and as Bush jr, Reagan ran the largest deficit in American history at his time, in fact Reagan deficit was larger than all previous president combined. Cants will say that that was due to carters admin. Cants fail to realize that in reality Obama plans are moving along faster than Reagan’s did and cants also seem to forget that Reagan raised taxes 11 times, all due to fiscal responsibility. Today’s cants want to run the deficit high and not pay for it, and when you try to pay for it they complain about paying for it. The deficit we see now was created mostly by Bush and the cants from 2000 to 2006, with two wars unpaid for, Medicare plan in the trillions un paid for and tax cuts in the trillions un paid for. In fact here is policy for you if we keep the bush tax cuts in place like the cants want us to do, we will lose over 22 trillion in revenue over the next ten years therefore dwarfing anything the dems want to do.  but nope it’s the dems fault is all we hear from the spend everything cants.


The major blow to our economy and the current fall of the stock market over the last week is all due to the cants blocking unemployment and the stalling of the recovery of the economy, most parties involved in economics, all agree to get the economy rolling that the government needs to spend,. The only ones questioning this are the same one’s who question global warming even in the face of both catastrophes as they unfold before us.


How can you trust a group of people who think education is a bad thing, and that scientist and the educated are your enemies, this is the questions Americans should start asking themselves.




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