Thursday, July 1, 2010


Seems a cant friend of mine is dead set on seeing the American middle class killed off. Can someone tell me please why it is that cant’s are so dead set on making sure the American middle class is decimated.

Seems these cants cannot or will not see reality. You hear them talking about giving “tax breaks” to corporations so they have a friendly environment in the US, I say screw that, so many Corporations from this country have said to hell with American workers , we got NAFTA passed so we can move off US shores set up shop in China, India Mexico and pay these people a pence of what American workers were paid. And now you hear these same people wanting to give more tax breaks to those corporations,  to hell with that I say, if a corporation creates jobs in this country and keep those jobs in this country so be it give them the breaks they need, put tariffs back in place to give those business a fair a market give them all the breaks you want, a business moves off our shore for cheaper labor, then they should have to pay tariffs to bring their goods back to our markets, and if you moved jobs off our shore not only should you have to pay tariffs, but you should also have to pay a yearly access fee to our markets. Yup I said it, access fees to our markets, we are the biggest consumer market in the world and to have a company such as a certain shoe maker move off our shores so they can pay someone 3 dollars a day, and ship those same shoes back here for shipping fees only and sell you those shoes for 100.00 your damn right they should have to pay an access fee. I don’t care about foreign owned corporations and anyone who moves jobs off our shore foreign owned at that point and should be treated as such.


When we get cants to realize they are the ones being decimated by these corporation instead of by the “illegal immigrants” maybe we can start to fix this country, but when you have a group of people who bury their heads in the sand and would rather blame brown people for their problems instead of the reason for the problems were created we will continue to o go down a path of self destruction.


Sorry for the rant I just get so pissed when I hear nonsense.

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