Monday, November 9, 2009

Fox News are you serious?

So tell me, how serious can we actually take Fox News any more? I mean with Obama calling them out and News papers calling them out how much more can we actually say they are a "News Organization". Sesame Street, yup that is right, Sesame Street making fun of the fact that they are trash TV, and this past Saturday on SNL, you have the first skit of the night showing just how ridiculous this "News Organization" is. It was quite comical over the weekend, but also a little disturbing. Today on Monday the 10 of November I am sure we are going to be hearing the Right talk shows screaming over this past weekends events. And of course it will be the "liberal" medias and Obama's fault. And the Conservatives will begin to play what they say they hate, the victim. This is all we have heard from them in a while, in fact they have even gone to the point of demanding Apology's from Talk show host and Dems in congress. Seems to me , that the "Conservatives" have become pretty thinned skinned, but I guess with the realization that their ideology and way of thinking has completely failed may have something to do with that.

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