Thursday, November 12, 2009

OK, what ever you say.

Did you see where Hannity was showing film of Becks rally and trying to pass it off as Bachmans rally. Seems he should have thought about the time of year and what time of year we are currently in lol. lets say Bachmans rally should of had fall colors in it and not summer colors.

How about Palins Book with five chapters lol that's right five chapters, Superman's last comic had more chapters than that! ( well not really, it only had three, but damn that did sound good lol) man those must be some long chapters lol I bet my grand daughters second grade reading book is better reading lol.

How a bout Colburn standing in front of the GI bill because he wants to know how were going to pay for it,he wants to know what were going to cut first before he signs on to it. Noble cause almost, but Colburn voted for two war supplemental and did not worry where the spending cuts were going to come from, and he helped Bush run up 1.7 trillion in war spending. so why now all concern mister Coburn.

Lou Dobbs quits CNN, wanna bet he is moving to FOX lol ,yea he will bring "credit" to fox noise lOl.

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