Thursday, November 12, 2009

Shame on our country

I know I know some right wing hack is going to see this title and say "see I knew progressives hated our country" with out actually even asking why I put this on here. Well as the Grandson of a world war two vet, and the son of a Vietnam vet and the step dad of an army ranger who has already served a tour in Iraq and is getting prepared to go to Afghanistan. The way I see us as a country treating our vets just flat out disgust me. Call me a socialist if you will but to me any soldier who goes to war for our country and is wounded should never ever have to worry about any thing in their life again. I'm not saying to make the person wealthy but the soldier should never have to sit in wheel chair and sell flags to try to make a living, how sad is that for our society. A wounded soldier should never have to worry about a roof over his head or for his family if they can no longer provide it, never have to worry about food, or health care for their family. When we as a nation turn our backs on our vets, and especially wounded vets, physical or mental, we should be ashamed off our selves for letting this happen. When we let the people who have defended our freedoms and have done what the average person in this country wont do, then these people need to be taken care off. If it is the GI Bill to go to school, or buy home we a nation should demand they are taken care of. 4000 vets a year die due to the lack of health care, shame on us, hundreds of thousands of vets are homeless, shame on us, millions of vets go through life mentally scared, shame on us. How can we as nation take compassion on anyone if we do not take compassion on the AMERICAN VETERAN.

Call Tom Coburns office and tell him to vote for our hero's, the American Soldier.

Thanks Grandpo, Thanks Pop, Thanks Christopher for doing what most of us are afraid of doing, you guys are the best America has to offer.

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