Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Health Care is What?

ON Friday I was talking to a friend, and the discussion turned to health care.
MY Friend was telling me that he felt that the public option was bad for business and was completely against it. In fact I do believe at one point he even called it "socialized" medicine. Normally I would leave it there but here is where the twist is in this. My friend who is a "Conservative" and a republican, who is against entitlements is actually using the entitlement programs he is so much against. He is making slightly above minimum wage and has no health insurance provided to him by his job, so he is, here it comes, on Medicaid and Medicare. The last time I checked, these were government programs. I also have a good idea that his Grand parents who are also "Conservatives" are on Medicaid and Medicare as well. So here is the question, why do we have "Conservatives" who are screaming against any health care for the average Joe, using the same programs they are so against. Im my mind I think we should start calling them out on this, and demand they get off of any government programs they are on. I find this to be the hypocrisy of the whole frigging "Conservative" party. I mean wouldn't it be great if we could by party affiliation, start knocking people off of government programs, if your a Republican conservative, you get no help for the government in any form ,except for use of the commons and then we force these people to live their ideology. I simple way of ding things, but will never happen, because the same people who are complianing, would find something else to complain about.

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