Monday, November 2, 2009

Are we watching the GOP implode

Wow seems the 'conservatives' really do want the moderates out of the GOP. With Dierdre Scozzafava, backing out of the race in northern New York. seems the Conservatives may just get their wish. But will this help the GOP or hurt them? I say it will hurt them. Seems the conservatives think they will actually be able to increase their numbers by being "more conservative" With this type of thinking and the total disregard for the actual elected officials in their own party calling for more moderates, seems the "Conservatives" are hell bent in destroying the GOP. With out the moderates the "Conservatives" are an even smaller party. I guess with the discontent in Washington right now "conservatives are thinking they can actually take back the house and senate, but with more and more people abandoning the GOP and going Independent, this could be the nail of death for the GOP. The Conservatives seem to think that they are the Country and have failed to realize that President Obama was elected overwhelmingly by the country. I guess it broke their brains to see a Dem not only win the election but by a large margin, even larger than Reagan's win over carter in 1980. The conservatives seem to think they can win both houses back with the fly over part of the country and win elections with out the north east or west coast, but that is literally impossible, a majority of the country live in these areas and they will have to be won to take not only congress but the white house as well. The Conservatives in my view will more than likely become a regional party, having a strong hold in the south, but not really any where else for a while. The conservatives will have to learn the hard way that in order to be the party in power, you have to be inclusive in your party, if you make your party one type of thinking and only one type your party is doomed to fail.

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