Thursday, November 5, 2009

The "Liberal Media"

Alrighty then, I don't know about you, but from "conservatives" I always hear them cry about the "Liberal Media". Seems this "Liberal Media" is anti "conservative" and never reports on the good things about the "conservatives". The "Conservatives" have used the "Liberal Media" as its whipping post since Nixon, and we all know why Nixon hated the media now don't we, Wink Wink Nudge Nudge. Any ways, so I always hear the complaining coming from the right and never understood why they complained, well, well since the "Liberal Media" is actually owned by the very groups they love, Corporate America. To hear Limbaugh complain about the "Liberal Media" is one of the strangest things, simply because he is on Clear Channel and Clear Channel owns most of the NBC outlets LOL and you know how Fox News and "conservatives" feel about NBC, go figure? So we have this "Liberal Media" and the funniest thing is, after Tuesday's elections, you wouldn't think so. Did you notice that all the hoopla is about two races. One in New Jersey and one in Virginia, well Republicans won both of these races. The "Liberal Media" has decided to run with it, saying that the Obama Admin is in trouble and the Dems are in trouble for the 2010 elections yadda yadda yadda. But if you noticed, as I did, the "Liberal Media" is not reporting on the other nine races that happened, and they definitely are not reporting about the two house seats in congress that were lost by the Republican party. Republicans lost two house seats in Republican strong holds, in fact one of the seats in northern New York, in the 23 District, has been held by the GOP for the past 150 years. The party to hold the seat prior to the Republicans were the Whigs, now that is a story. So next time you here a "conservative" cry about the "Liberal Media" Please explain to them that in REALITY, the "Liberal Media" is actually the "Ratings based media".

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