Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sometimes the media folks....

Well, I'm not going to type too much tonight. I don't feel I have to. I'm just going to copy and paste a few things that I read and answered on a media site that I frequent: Some of the comments are just plain silly, as you'll see below (most are from an anonymous poster)......

"You do not understand the first amendment.. you are in the tank for Obama.. you are not objective and you are hypocrities."
Oh, and with this statement we can see that this person is 'totally' objective.

"You Obama sheep are so "in the tank" for Barrack.. you are journalists.. you are facists. Your opinion is right.. any opposing opinions are wrong and must be silenced.. that's called Facisim.."
It would be more convincing if this so-called journalist could actually spell.

Here is another...
"Secondly.. you are wrong. I do the know the difference between opinion and news."
Read on...

And then the hypocrisy...
"What you absolute MORONS don't get is.. when it comes to political issues.. it doesn't have to be correct.. it doesn't have to be fair"
"We are supposed to allow all opinions!! WHETHER YOU LIKE THEM OR NOT! "

One of my responses...
"most importantly, opinion is not news. That's what you can't get through your thick skull. Most of the people here have agreed that free speech is important. But, to intertwine opinion and actual news is not correct."

His answer...
"WTF is the point of your post? that news and opinion should be seperated?"

"Uh, yeah."

Remember the post stated above? "I do the know the difference between opinion and news"

Wow. What a conversation. This person or persons has no idea what he or she is talking about. It's quite embarrassing for hard working and honest journalists around the world. No wonder the White House wanted to ban FOX 'News'.

Carry on.

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