Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Race in New York

Off all the races this past Nov 3rd, the most important to me was the New York race in the 23rd district. Virginia an important race but not as important as the media and especially Fox News, will make it to be. Virginia is already a heavily
"conservative" state, and with a majority of older folks voting, it falls to "conservatives" hands, but how long has Virgina been a "conservative" state? As for New Jersey, if the "conservatives " could not have beat Corizine, that would have said a lot more about the "conservatives" than Democrats, since Corizine was a very unpopular Governor, and in reality Christy should have won by more than the four points he won by. But of the races to watch, New York's 23 district was the one, we watched the "conservatives" come in and sanction Hoffman because the GOP candidate was to "liberal" in the view of the "conservatives". This was the race Palin, Pawlenty, Thompson, Beck and Limbaugh were all betting on, and were wanting to prove that the "conservatives" are the Republican party. To see them handed a defeat, with a seat that has been in Republicans hands for over a 150 years says a lot. This was a safe Republican seat, and never should have been lost, but when you listen to the extreme, these type of thing tend to happen. If this is the way we are going to see the "conservatives" run the party, will there be a Republican party left when they are done. So here is my question to Ronald Reagan's Republican party, when are you going to take your party back?

Update: Election Results for Nov 3rd 2009
Democrats win 8 seats
Republicans win 2 seats
Independents win 1 seat

As the GOP celebrate over the two seats, they fail to see the significance of the "Palin factor"

1 comment:

  1. Apparently, the 'conservatives' are cheering the defeat. Dede Scozzafava was selected as a scape goat for moderate stances. Not conservative enough is what I read. Apparently, the GOP is splitting, too. There seems to be a Republican Party and now a Conservative Party.
    Here is an interesting link...
