Sunday, November 1, 2009

H1N1, hmmm.. ever thought of this?

So, I've been following the H1N1 issue and all the problems they are having getting the vaccine to the masses. Many are up in arms because the vaccine isn't being made fast enough or distributed quickly enough, even conservatives. When the cure does arrive to a particular part of the country, everyone lines up for a shot. Conservatives, liberals, anglo, hispanic, black, chrisitian, muslim.... The list goes on and on. But, wait a sec. If the government is making sure that a cure for a pandemic is being provide for EVERYBODY (wait for it).... Wouldn't that be considered National Health Care? Think about the hypocrisy of the 'conservative' right. They get their panties in a wad over an OPTION that is being proposed, yet they curse the government when a vaccine isn't readily available.

Ever thought of that?

Carry on.

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