Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Voting against you own best intrest.

I for one will never understand why any one in the middle class would vote for a "Conservative" and why any one in the middle class or lower middle class would defend the likes of Hannity, Beck or Limbaugh. With the current debate on health care happening right now, your hearing from the right that they want things to stay just the way they are and not do anything about health care. Now what baffles me is middle class Republicans saying the same thing, I guess they don't realize that with health care reform and getting the cost under control would actually benefit them not only in their pocket books, but on the bottom line of the companies they own or work for. Health care as we know it is not only crippling our economy and our growth but it is stifling business as well all due to the cost of health care. Getting back to Hannity, Beck and Limbaugh, you have these guys crying about "spreading the wealth" and you have lower middle class and middle class republican repeating this. I guess they didn't pay attention and haven't paid attention that their taxes have not moved, but only the top 5% taxes are going to change back to the Clinton tax cuts, that are still lower than the Reagan tax cuts. You actually have Hannity, Beck and Limbaugh all of who make millions a year getting people who make 30,000 a year and less crying about spreading the wealth lol, and wanting to make sure that these ultra rich guys get to keep paying less in taxes than they do. The middle class worker usually pays around 38% in taxes, where the top 5% are paying 31 to 33% and if your wealthy and make your money sitting around a pool all afternoon while you make millions more on dividends your only paying 18% Yup that's right the more money you make the less you have to pay in taxes, and just pass it down to the middle class to pay. so here is a question for you lower middle class and middle class voters, why are you voting against your own best interest?

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