Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fired for GOD Pin

OK Social "conservatives" let the howling begin. In West Palm Beach, Trevor Keezor was released from his job for wearing a "one nation under GOD" pin on his uniform. Now where the howling will be coming from is the right and the right will want to "boycott" Home Depot and will want Home Depot closed, due to the "religious persecution" they will perceive as happening here. You would think that "free market conservatives" would be coming down on the side of Home Depot, but I predict in stead they will abandon their "Free Market" principles and jump for the Religious Rights idea on how this country should be run. One pattern I am starting to see with "Conservatives" is the lack of actually standing by what you supposedly believe in and preach. You will hear "free market conservatives" say "let the markets sort it out, but once something like this happens, trends in the Conservative party will show they will want to start legislation to protect this person, even if it is in a private business. I find the ironic part of this story to be that Home Depot is based in Atlanta Georgia, the Conservative south, lets watch and see how Fox news and the social conservative,s handle this one.


  1. You made a good point.... It's happened all over the country. SC's want business to control and regulate themselves, until a religeous issue pops up, especially a Christian issue. I promise you this, you'll never see a SC protecting the rights of a Buddist, Muslim, Cleric, or any other religeon they don't tolerate. They have become so two faced that it is truly disturbing.
