Thursday, October 29, 2009

The reason Evan Bayh is against the public option

When are we as a Democratic party and as a nation in general going to stop electing these guys. With the simplest of research it is easy to find why Evan Bayh is against a public option in Health Care, his wife is being paid very well to keep the public option out of the current bill. Seems our country is no longer "we the people" but "we the insurance companies". With Lieberman and Bayh both having ties, wedding ties to the insurance companies I feel it is time that we as a nation and as a Democratic party make sure these type of politicians do not get elected any more. For Bayh and Lieberman to vote against the will of their states and its constituents, is well having a large set, may be a dumb set but a very LARGE SET! Lieberman's state of Connecticut, is in fact in favor of a public option by a large majority of 71%, and to come out now and say your going to "filibuster" with the republicans? what in the hell is that!!! This will be the first time in history that some one in a caucus will filibuster that same caucus, I say boot him. As for Bayh, he is another one that is showing his only vested interest in the senate is his own pocket book. He does not give a damn about his constituents and with any luck, in the next election, we will see his removal. If your going to vote like a republican mister blue dog guy, then we should have a real republican in that seat Senator Bayh.

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