Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Opt Out

In the health care debate , we are finally seeing some progress, but what about letting states "Opt out". When I first heard this I was a little unsure but after some thought, It may not be such a bad idea for democrats after all and here is why I say this. Imagine we get a Health care bill and every one for the first year has access to the Government Medical Insurance Program, then after a year Republican strong holds, Conservative state run Governments decide they want out of the "government program" and opt out. Well here is where it could become a good thing for the democrats. The red states would go back to the option we have now inflated prices with no real control on prices, and you would see the poor and the self employed either uninsured again or with minimal coverage at an extreme price. Then you have a state next door with the public option and the people of that state paying 1/2 if not less that the red state. From this point the republicans in control of the state would then have to explain to their constituents why they are paying inflated health care prices when the state next door has better, cheaper, health care. I think from this point you would see more republicans voted out of office and in the states where the local government opted out the big local issues would be health care and opting in. This may be another place where Republicans shoot them selves in the foot.

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