Thursday, October 29, 2009

Is there Really such a thing as a Republican Fiscal conservative?

This is a question I have pondered for a while. I keep hearing the term "Fiscal Conservative" but do they really exist? Or are they more like Sasquatch and nothing more than a myth. I know I know, they all praise Reagan as being the "conservative god" but he really wasn't a "Fiscal Conservative" not even close. With some basic elementary school research, you will find that Reagan actually was the first to leave a large deficit. With military spending and the asinine "Star wars program" that sunk billions into the pockets of the war machine. He literally left the largest deficit of all President's combined before him, including FDR with his programs. One thing Reagan did figure out and "fiscal conservatives" will try to deny, is that you have to have taxes to run the government, so simple a five year old could figure it out.
In fact Reagan had eleven tax increases, that is right eleven of them, he had to balance the books. Your constantly hearing from the right wing that, "Democrats want large government", and "Democrats are the tax and spend party". But didn't Bush and the "Fiscal Conservatives" in congress get us into the current fix we are in. With cutting taxes on the top 2% in a time of war, well that was down right stupid and a huge mistake. If you look at it like this, Bush cut taxes to the tune of about 1.3 trillion from our treasury to give to the top 2% while at the same time took us to war in Iraq and Afghanistan to the tune of another 1.7 trillion dollars. That is 3 trillion dollars in debt, so tell me, what in the hell is so "Fiscal Conservative" about that?
I know I know young padawan, Bush was "Not" a Conservative. But explain to me why, for the past eight years and especially the last four years of his presidency you said nothing? Nothing at all and in fact you supported him in his escapades with the deficit and declared we "had to do it for our safety", when it comes to big government I view it as what it is.

Democrats want large government to help the people of the United States.
Republicans want large government to wage war.

Any way you look at it, we as a nation want large government.
Some want it to help create a better life for all.
Some want it for the procurement of death.
So tell me what side do you fall on?

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