Monday, October 26, 2009

How do we pay for it?

Seems Republicans are so worried about the deficit we leave to our grand children, you hear them beat that drum over and over again. But when it comes to war and the war machine, why are they the exact opposite? I have not been able to figure this out, Are they really the war mongers, or are they really "chicken hawks", I cant say but I do know for a fact that when it comes to deficit spending they want none of it. No help for children, the elderly, the sick, the poor.

So if Republicans who want to cut "entitlement" spending, to save our grand children from all this deficit burden, why do they so easily turn around and want to spend trillions in a war effort. I have a step son in the military, Army ranger and he has served in Iraq, and this was a pretty scary time for his mother and I, we did a lot of praying for those fifteen months, and he luckly came home safe. He is from what we are told going to be deployed into Afghanistan, and with this knowledge, I have to say give Obama his time to think this over.

Maybe if the last admin would have done this, we never would have gone in to Iraq and we might possibly be out of Afghanistan by now, but this we will never know and today we have what we have. So I say mister President please make sure, if you are going to be sending our soldiers in to harms way, make sure it is for a real purpose, a real mission, don't send them into fight for an "ideology" or nation building. From a Step parent of an Army Ranger please before you put my family member in harms way, make sure you know, he knows and we as a nation know why he is going in. Any ways back to how are we going to pay for it. So when this deficit spending comes up, ask your local "Conservative" how they intend to not leave the rest of this war spending to our Grand children. Because the last President has already left 1.3 trillion from the last eight years. So, mister fiscal conservatives, how do you intend to pay for the continued war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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