Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Joe Lieberman, His loyalties are where?

OK enough with Joe "the back stabbing bast***" Lieberman, when are we as a Democratic party gonna boot this guy. I mean come on in the last election he supported McCain, and actually had the balls to call President Obama a "Muslim", He slammed Obama during the entire election like he was in a professional wrestling match. After the election Obama being the bigger man talked with the back stabber and talked Reid and the dems into letting Lieberman keep his seat as the Chairman of Home land security. If you want my two cents and I m sure you don't if your conservative, I say boot the guy, if he wants to be a republican strip him of his committee seat and make him caucus with he republican party, and in his next election bid make sure his constituents know he voted for the Insurance companies and not his states best interest. Good riddance and get rid of the bast***. He is going to filibuster with the GOP because of one simple reason, his wife Haddassah is a lobbyist for the Pharmaceutical/ Health care provider GlaxoSmithKline. Have any wonder to where his loyalties lie? It definitely is not with the people of Connecticut.

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