Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Sarah Palin Factor

In northern New York, Sarah Palin and the "Conservatives" what ever that means, are running against the GOP? you read that right, Sarah Palin and the "conservatives" are running against the GOP and have started their own party!!!! The party right now consist of Thompson, Santorium, Pawlenty, Palin to name but a few.
Seems they want to use the northern New York race to make a national statement and teach the GOP a lesson. Well they just may get their wish. This Northern New York seat has been held by a Republican for decades, in fact this is one of those "safe" republican seats. What the "Conservatives" have not figured out yet, is that they will probably SPLIT THE REPUBLICAN VOTE! Now for me that is all good, since I would love to see a Democrat walk into that "safe" seat if even for one term, because of the division of the GOP. I mean for the "Conservatives" to give a "safe" seat to the dems, would be a beautiful thing and would probably add to the death stumble of the conservative movement as we know it today.

1 comment:

  1. There hasn't been a 'conservative' movement since the eighties. It especially dissapeared a little over 8 years ago. The United States had more spending, bigger government, loss of freedoms, deregulaion, it goes on and on.
    Sarah Palin has always been a joke (wink). Her debate against Biden shoulda been embarrassing for her. But, she just thought it was just another beauty contest (wink). Then, she gave on the people of Alaska for a multi-million dollar book deal (wink). Like most 'conservatives' she is a hypocrite.
