Tuesday, August 17, 2010

John Stewart rips Fox News

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Your friggin kidding right.

By BEN EVANS, Associated Press Writer Ben Evans, Associated Press Writer – 35 mins ago

WASHINGTON – Leading Republicans are joining a push to reconsider the constitutional amendment that grants automatic citizenship to people born in the United States.

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said Tuesday he supports holding hearings on the 14th Amendment right, although he emphasized that Washington's immigration focus should remain on border security.

His comments came as other Republicans in recent days have questioned or challenged birthright citizenship, embracing a cause that had largely been confined to the far right.

The senators include Arizona's John McCain, the party's 2008 presidential nominee; Arizona's Jon Kyl, the GOP whip; Alabama's Jeff Sessions, the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, a leading negotiator on immigration legislation.

"I'm not sure exactly what the drafters of the (14th) amendment had in mind, but I doubt it was that somebody could fly in from Brazil and have a child and fly back home with that child, and that child is forever an American citizen," Sessions said.



Wednesday, July 28, 2010


"Requiring Arizona law enforcement officials and agencies to determine the immigration status of every person that is arrested burdens lawfully present aliens because their LIBERTY will be restricted while their status is checked"........ U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton

Nuff, said.

Carry on.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Hmm seems we are seeing a mass exodus from AZ this week, and I am sure most "Conservatives" think this is wonderful. But here is the question for the people of AZ. Not only are the Illegals leaving AZ but so are Hispanics. And with day Laborers, grounds keepers, chamber maids, and janitors leaving AZ we should see a huge influx of jobs in AZ right? Who is going to fill them is the question.think the housing industry in AZ is bad now, wait till the cost go up four times, and the tourism industry? well you can pretty much end that one as well. One good thing about this is that all the low paying jobs in AZ are now going to be good paying jobs, so for those if you who think this is great , be ready to pay 300.00 for a mediocre golf course and around 500 for a decent hotel, and a sales tax that will blow your mind.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wow 2

As I have said in the past seems  the cants are trying to re write history and well are not living in reality. If you read the following ideologue form a can’t friend of mine, you will see how for all the problems we have sustained under Conservative policies that cants are desperate to blame Liberals and progressives, forgetting that for the past 30 years cants have pretty much ruled the country. The problems we are seeing now with  our country all stem back to conservatives principles and Reganomics, but for your enjoyment and a laugh here is what cants are trying to convince themselves what happened.

Sena man


President Obama continued his scorched earth attack on Republicans, saying:

"And what the other side is offering is basically to go back to the same ideas that got us into this mess in the first place….They are peddling that same snake oil they have been peddling for years. They basically -- they spent a decade driving the economy into a ditch….This is a choice between the policies that led us into the mess, or the policies that are leading out of the mess." [Emphasis added.]

Well, let's see what got us into this mess in the first place.  The roots of the housing bubble and the financial crisis go back to the Clinton Administration, who with liberal Congressional Democrat allies like Barney Frank, gave birth to the subprime mortgage market as part of the liberal/left "affordable housing" policy. The Clinton Administration joined with the Obama allies at ACORN even back then to use the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) to pressure banks to break down traditional mortgage lending standards. Clinton's Justice Department and HUD added to the bonfire with discrimination lawsuits against banks that were reluctant to go along. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac got with the program to drop their standards as well to cycle trillions in subprime and substandard mortgage backed securities throughout the financial community in America and across the globe.

George Bush and the Republicans actually sought legislation to stop this developing danger and disgrace from 2002-2006. But they were shouted down by liberals including Barack Obama as racists who just didn't want minorities and the poor to enjoy home ownership. Barney Frank famously said at the time that he wanted to continue to roll the dice on these affordable housing policies, to the shame of his stupid constituents who keep voting for him.

Rather than acting to prevent this crisis from ever happening again, Obama has used the crisis from the start as a bait and switch excuse playing us to push America into the canyon of braindead, long outdated socialism. Instead of snake oil, Obama is hawking us his Grecian formula of magical stimulus beans and record shattering federal spending, deficits, and debt. Remember that was supposed to prevent unemployment from soaring to 8%. Instead we have suffered a year of unemployment around 10%, with Obama's pal Harry Reid telling us several months ago, "Today is a big day in America. Only 36,000 people lost their jobs today, which is really good."

Moreover, instead of ending Wall Street bailouts, the Reid/Obama financial reg reform bill institutionalizes federal authority for still more bailouts. Then next year comes chapter 2 in the Obama nightmare, with sweeping, across the board, tax rate increases on America's employers and investors. Even before that, the double dip recession already beckons. With the Reid/Obama/Pelosi federal deficit already at $1.6 trillion for this year, what will it be in the double dip, which will come next year if not this year.  





1. The largest Medicare debt (2003 Medicare Plan D) est. $35 TRILLION, $35 TRILLION!
2. Doubled the national debt by giving the rich tax cuts from $5 Trillion to over $10 TRILLION
3. Started 2 wars, not funded
4. Emptied out the Social Security Trust Fund
5. Caused the collapse of the entire worlds financial system
6. Created T.A.R.P. to bailout Wall ST, $700 BILLION
7. Then handed the banks the 1st $350 BILLION with no strings attached
8. Lost more jobs than created



Wednesday, July 14, 2010


So here we have an article that is quite disturbing, and once again from an uninformed person. If the person responsible for this crap would have paid attn, they would have realized that the police officer in question shot a man, in the back at point blank while the man was handcuffed and on his stomach. The man shot was no threat and had been no threat. And I do repeat he shot a MAN, a human being, a person with a mother and a father and a family.

The Berkeley/Oakland area was on high alert last week...but not because of a natural disaster, like an earthquake.     

A jury was deciding the fate of a white police officer charged with killing a black male at a BART station. People all around town began preparing for riots, certain that if the verdict was "not guilty," the streets would erupt with violence. 

This is not the first time that riots have occurred relative to this incident. Mobs have already broken windows, looted stores, beat people up, and destroyed cars. The attitude then, as well as now, is that "we" have a right to riot.

Why? Why do certain groups have a right to riot? And why do others make excuses when livelihoods are ruined, millions of dollars are wasted, and innocents are hurt?

My opinion? Liberal racism.

A colleague said this to me the other day. "That police officer should be found guilty. But if he's not, they have every a right to riot."

She was simply expressing the typical liberal view. But let's pick this apart.

If thousands of Jews or Chinese or white males looted stores and burned cars, would the public be so tolerant? I don't think so. Are we really talking tolerance here, or something else entirely -- a colonialist, superior attitude?  

Put bluntly, when liberals say that "they" have a right to riot, what's the implication here? Is it that blacks are primitive, out-of-control Neanderthals? Those Jews, Chinese, and white males are expected to have self-control. No such expectations exist for designated victim groups like blacks and Latinos. 

By treating blacks as a special class, liberals marginalize and infantilize. Liberals also set the bar insultingly low.  

Obama and his handlers knew that white liberal guilt could be exploited to their advantage. They realized that Obama would be insulated from scrutiny.

But it's not just guilt; it's also a white feeling of superiority. Because you have to see yourself as on top to offer special treatment to those on bottom.

Obama has been the Teflon President because of the color of his skin. Liberals are giving him a free ride.

We see it every day when criticism of Obama evokes cries of racism. But who are the real racists here?

Are the racists those conservatives who hold everyone accountable to the same standards? Who believe that people should be judged by their character and their behavior, not their race, creed, or color?

Or are the racists those white liberals who treat Obama like some delicate flower? While liberals still eviscerate George W. Bush, any judgment of Obama is off limits.

It's not just whites who are enabling Obama by acting like his protectors. Blacks voted en masse for Obama. Sadly, what has he offered them?

From the start, it was obvious that Obama, though half-black, had never done anything for the black community. In Chicago, his actions hurt blacks.

Obama was a huge supporter of Tony Rezko, a notorious slumlord, now a felon. When Obama served in the state senate, black residents picketed Rezko's offices to protest their rat-infested, unheated apartments.   

And what has Obama done to help blacks since he's been president? One of Obama's first actions as president was eliminating the DC school voucher program that offered poor black kids the chance for a better life.

Obama and the Democrats have created record debt and crushed the economy. A depressed economy hits minority groups especially hard.

And then there is Obama's push for amnesty for illegals. How is giving jobs to millions of illegals going to help blacks, who have unconscionably high unemployment rates?

But there is one perk Obama has afforded the black underclass -- the right to behave brutally. Obama's Justice Department dropped charges for those New Black Panthers who allegedly threatened and harassed people at election sites. 

This encouragement to act out is deeply cynical and manipulative. It's designed to control racial minorities and promote social unrest.

Although Obama has only agitated, not uplifted, Americans, most liberals regard him as their icon. To them, Obama is the Great Black Hope. 

Liberals handle Obama with kid gloves. In the meantime, they turn a blind eye to his dangerous policies, like flirting with radical Islam. Liberals make excuses for the plummeting economy, blaming their usual bogeyman: conservatives.

They refuse to see Obama without the rose-colored glasses. Why? Because when it comes to Obama, liberals see a black man deserving of special treatment.

Will the real racist please stand up?

A frequent American Thinker contributor, Robin is a licensed psychotherapist and a recovering liberal in Berkeley. You can e-mail her via robinofberkeley@hotmail.com. Due to time constraints, she regrets that she may not respond to your e-mail.

Conservtive's are you serious?

Here is a Conspiracy theory that I am dealing with, when it comes to a Cant friend of mine, talk about out there. These people have been so frightened that they are now seeing things, that actually have no consequence to them. As I have said, the GOP has these people so wrapped up in fear they are starting to believe anything and everything they are being told. Here is an example. I guess the one thing they can not seem to figure out is, EUROPE IS NOT THE UNITED STATES!!!!!!

Coming soon to America if the progressives remain in power. Remember, they’re already trying to do it, I sent you plenty of examples.

There is a pan-European consensus, fertilized by multiculturalism, that tolerance and peaceful coexistence require the restriction rather than the protection of freedom of speech. This has led to the mushrooming of hate-speech and so-called anti-discrimination laws that criminalize expressions characterized as “hateful” or merely “derogatory” toward members of religious, ethnic, national, or racial groups.

Should European victims of hate-speech laws turn for protection to the plethora of human-rights conventions signed by European states, they will discover that no help is forthcoming. The European Court of Human Rights has decided that hate speech is not protected by the European Convention on Human Rights, and the same court has also sanctioned the seizure and censorship of “blasphemous” films and books that insult religious feelings.

The ubiquitous European hate-speech laws represent a clear and present danger to freedom of expression in the Western world. Not only do they interfere with the basic right of the individual to speak his or her mind even if it causes offense, they are inherently arbitrary and prone to abuse. The determination of which expressions are “hateful” or “derogatory” is highly subjective; the atheist and the fervent believer are unlikely to agree on where the limits of religious satire should be drawn. And in an era of identity politics, when people are encouraged to think of themselves primarily as members of racial, religious, or ethnic groups with special rights rather than as individual citizens with equal rights before the law, “racism” and “hatred” have become very broad concepts indeed.

Tea Baggers... Are you kidding me?

A group of Tea baggers in Des Moines, Iowa put up a billboard comparing President Obama to Hitler and Lenin. When will these stupid and unpatriotic events end? Some of their claims have been downright comical... But, this is just stupid. A sign like this really shows the stupidity of the Tea Party. Yeah, some Tea Party members 'criticized' the billboard, but did they demand that it be brought down? No. The bottom of the sign reads: "Radical Leaders Prey On the Fearful And Naive". What? Are you kidding me!!! I seem to remember a certian president that won the 2004 election because he scared the hell out of people with his rhetoric. The darling of the Tea Party movement (Palin) used fear-mongering when she ran for VP (Maverick, sheez.). The billboard is as unpatriotic as it can get. The Tea baggers responsible for it should be investigated and brought to justice and sent back to Europe. Oh, wait... Now I sound like them.

Carry on.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

For or Against the USA

Weasel Word

Weasel Word, here is the def for what Fox Channel, Limbaugh and the rest of the right wing talking heads are saying.



What a Conservative America would look like

Been doing some reading, something most cants seem to know nothing about LOL just kidding, a little. Any ways I have been reading about Colorado Spring, the bastion of Conservative America and what is happening there is quite interesting. In Colorado, the State voted to have a TABOR law put in place, which in a nut shell says that the state government cannot raise taxes unless the people of Colorado vote on it, the same thing California has done and we see the devastation it has done there. But Colorado Springs went one step further and created tabor law on top of the existing law. What we are now seeing in Colorado Springs is the Conservative Idea of America. In the springs they have already started to cut services, in Law enforcement, Fire dept, transit systems, park and recreation and get this, they started to turn off the street lights, in fact out of the 22,000 street lights they have turned off around 8000 street, lights. Now with the lights off and the police in a weakened number seems it could turn out to be a bastion for criminals coming in as well. One of the sad things in the Springs is that is you have break in or something that is deemed to be not an emergency, the police will only take a report over the phone and will more than likely not show up. But the city as a whole is turning for the worst. The City parks have all but been abandon, they even pulled out all the trash cans so as not to have to spend money on trash collection, and water the grass are you crazy? That is something that was first to be cut. So know they have brown, over grown, fire prone parks in the city. As for the conservative America at work here, it is exactly what the “conservatives” in this country want. In parts of the city where the people can afford to pay to have street lights on ( the upper parts of town) the upper class are “adopting” parks and street lights to make sure their part of town is still in nice shape, but how many working Americans can afford to do this. Seems the well to do in Colorado Springs don’t mind the infrastructure collapse of the city since it does not affect them. Cants will say that the city Government is being paid too much and is something “conservatives” are already touting in the area. They feel that all state employees should only be paid 24,000 a year or less. That is barley a living wage. We are seeing the “Conservative “ idea of America unfold in front of us in Colorado Springs and if this is where Conservatives think America should be, well we as a country need to make sure that All conservatives are voted out of office. Seems to me Becker head is calling the Progressive of this country a cancer and seems the real cancer in Colorado Springs is the Consevative idea of how America should be.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fear and Immigration.

I’ve been in to politics for a long time, and I love the “battle” as it is said. But in the past few years I have noticed a disturbing trend coming from Cants.  I don’t know if it is in their Psyche or if it due to the programs they watch and listen to, but it is defiantly something to notice.  Seems the fear mongering really got going during the Bush years, after 9/11 and seems the cants realized or figured out that they could try and control the masses through fear, and reality is, it actually worked during the 2004 election cycle. Remember the red terror alerts after the Dem convention, that ended the momentum coming out of the convention. And the continued fear mongering after the election to get what the Bush and Cheney admin wanted. Well today the only ones being scared in to submission is the cant party. With Fox Channel and Limbaugh and the right wing talking heads, seems they are on the path of scaring their audience into submission, to keep them in line. I guess my question to this is, why would anyone let this happen to them. Why would someone live in fear constantly and continue to let someone or something scare them into submission.  I think they do this to keep them in line, but to also hide the truth from them as well, point in matter is the immigration thing. Right now we are seeing the Right wing up in arms about “Illegal immigration” and we are seeing a movement coming from the right to send them home, and are all for the way Arizona is handling this, and today on the talking head shows you hear cants defending the law and saying it is the federal governments fault for the problem, more like it is Obama fault but that is another story. But they have either failed to realize, or not been told or more likely failed to do any research, to find that Arizona has the strongest E verify laws in the country. Only 5% of the state is actually using the system, that means that 95% either have no illegal’s or have a lot and like the fact that the illegal’s are keeping their pockets lined due to low low wages. I would bet the answer lies in the middle leaning to the side of having lots of them. Seems what the cants don’t want to hear, is that the answer to ending illegal immigration is not in deporting the illegal’s and building a fence, but a much simpler answer. Holding the employers responsible is the place to start, you start there and for those hiring the illegal’s fine them heavily the first time, 2nd time freeze assets and toss the Ceos or owners in jail, this will end the hiring practices across the board, and with no jobs, the illegal’s go home on their own and bam, it’s done. It is cheaper and a more COST effective way to handle this. The funny thing is you would think that Cants would be charging down the road to make sure that the illegal’s were given citizen ship status as Regan did, but reality is Reagan today is to the far left of the Cant party we see today.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

ACLU issues warnings for travel to Arizona

ACLU issues warnings for travel to Arizona

Arizonia Law Challenged

By BOB CHRISTIE, Associated Press Writer Bob Christie, Associated Press Writer – 4 mins ago

PHOENIX – The federal government took a momentous step into the immigration debate Tuesday when it filed a lawsuit seeking to throw out Arizona's crackdown on illegal immigrants, calling it a law that blatantly violates the Constitution.

The lawsuit filed in federal court in Phoenix sets the stage for a high-stakes legal clash over states rights at a time when politicians across the country have indicated they want to follow Arizona's lead on the toughest-in-the-nation immigration law.

Glenn Beck U, you're kidding right?

Wow I just heard and read that Glenn Beck, the Becker head is creating his own “on line university” and the classes will revolve around Religion, History and Economics. So you’re telling me that the king of misinformation is opening his own school?  This is hard to fathom for anyone who actually reads and studies for themselves, I find this amusing and disturbing at the same time. So is Beck university  going to teach that Jesus really didn’t care about the poor and the sick, and was more interested in “free markets” “war” and as a friend once told me “freedom”, this one concept alone, that should be a flag to anyone who thinks or calls them self a Christian. And in History is Beck U going to be teaching that the African Americans were sold to the slave masters by their own people and that a lot of them came over by themselves looking for work and there really was no slavery in this country, that the civil war never really happened and that it was all a “liberal media lie” I mean this is actually pretty disturbing considering that a lot of people who listen and watch Beck actually only get their info from one news source. Oh sure they think they are getting it from different sources but have not put together that Fox Channel, Wall Street Journal and the New York post are all owned by News Corp, they just fail to do any research o their own. This could be quite scary, this is all we need in our country, is a so called learning institute that actually is more interested in changing history that it is in teaching it.



Friday, July 2, 2010

From Yahoo,

By Ron Scherer Ron Scherer – Thu Jul 1, 2:49 pm ET

The assertion is getting louder: President Obama is a socialist, a wealth-redistributing wolf in Democrat's clothing gnawing at America's entrepreneurial spirit.

It's easy to buy "Obama is a socialist" bumper stickers on the Internet. Political commentator Dick Morris said, in a column circulated on GOPUSA.com, that conservatives are "enraged at Barack Obama's socialism and radicalism." Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich titled his new book "To Save America: Stopping Obama's Secular-Socialist Machine."

So, is Mr. Obama trying to form The Socialist Republic of America? Or are the accusations mainly a political weapon, meant to stick Obama with a label that is poison to many voters and thus make him a one-term president?

As is often the case in politics, the answer is in the eye of the beholder. Some people feel genuinely certain that Obama aims to make America into a workers' paradise – a land where government-appointed pay czars tell Wall Street tycoons how much they can make and where the feds take large ownership positions in companies like General Motors (GM) and insurance giant American International Group (AIG). Even if Obama is not a card-carrying Socialist, they say, he displays a disdain of the private sector.

"You start with his apparent acceptance that there are major segments of the US economy for which it is reasonable for the US government to own or manage," says Michael Johns, Heritage Foundation policy analyst, "tea party" movement leader, and former speechwriter for President Bush. "Look at the auto industry, mortgage industry, the health-care industry to some extent, and, obviously, banking."

Others just as assuredly refute the idea that government involvement in failing industries defines a president as socialist – or that wealth is being redistributed from the Forbes 500 richest Americans to the nation's "Joe the plumbers."

What Mr. Johns, Mr. Gingrich, and others brandishing the "socialist" s-word are really complaining of is a return to the policies of John Maynard Keynes, the English economist who advocated vigorous government involvement in the economy, from regulation to pump priming, says labor historian Peter Rachleff of Macalester College in St. Paul, Minn.

"Socialism suggests getting rid of capitalism altogether," says Dr. Rachleff. "Mr. Obama is not within a million miles of an ideology like that."

For what it's worth, socialists deny that Obama is one of them – and even seem a bit insulted by the suggestion.

"I have been making a living telling people Obama is not a socialist," says Frank Llewellyn, national director of the Democratic Socialists of America. "It's frustrating to see people using our brand to criticize programs that have nothing to do with our brand and are not even working."

Adds Billy Wharton,co-chair of the Socialist Party USA: "I am not even sure he's a liberal. I call him a hedge fund Democrat."

The socialism tag is nothing new for the White House. In speeches, Obama chalks up the criticism to "just politics."

But he also works to counter it, sprinkling speeches with words about the appropriate role of government. "Government cannot and should not replace businesses as the true engine of growth and job creation," he said June 2 at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.

That may be one reason some tea partyers doubt that Obama himself is humming "The Internationale" before breakfast.

"I'm reluctant to call him a socialist, but his policies are socialistic," says Don Adams, treasurer of the Independence Hall tea party in the Delaware Valley of Pennsylvania.

Which policies qualify, precisely?

Gingrich, in his book, cites a "government takeover" of GM as specific evidence of the socialistic political shift.

The United States owned 60.8 percent of the common stock of GM and 9.9 percent of Chrysler as of April 21, the latest figures available. The government's goal, according to the Treasury, is not to be long-term investors.

"With the successful restructuring of GM and Chrysler behind us, the primary goal of the administration's auto efforts now is to monitor the investments and facilitate smooth exits from our investments in the companies," says US Treasury spokesman Mark Paustenbach.

OK, so maybe Obama wants to get out of owning the companies, allows Johns of the Heritage Foundation. But the government has already used its ownership stake to impose sweeping mandates and regulations on the companies, such as closing hundreds of dealerships, he says.

"They forced changes in management that should more properly have been left to the company's private shareholders," says Johns.

Not true, according to GM. The US did not exert pressure to close the 1,100 shuttered dealerships, says spokeswoman Noreen Pratscher. "The government has taken a very hands-off approach."

How about the Obama response to the crisis in the financial services industry? Has it veered into socialism?

The largest ownership stake for Uncle Sam in the financial world is AIG, which ran into financial difficulties (not bankruptcy) in September 2008 after a complex series of financial transactions turned bad. The US government still owns almost 80 percent of AIG, which has received at least $182 billion in government assistance.

In his book, Gingrich implies that government officials stormed into AIG's headquarters and took over the company. "They have taken over AIG, America's largest insurer," he writes.

The actual "takeover" of AIG occurred under President Bush in 2008, right after the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy.

The Congressional Oversight Panel, which lawmakers created in 2008 to review the regulation of financial markets, detailed in a recent report how it became impossible for AIG to find $75 billion in private funding to save itself as the financial markets crumbled that fall.

The takeover of an ailing company whose collapse might ruin the US economy is not socialism, says Van Gosse, a Socialist and historian at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa. "Let's just say AIG was profitable, and you thought it was better if it was in public hands. That would be socialistic."

To Dr. Gosse, the most socialistic move by the Obama administration to date is the massive reorganization of student lending. In late March, as part of the health-care overhaul, Congress voted to force out commercial lenders. The government was guaranteeing loans made by private companies who turned a profit on the loans.

As for the assertion that Obama is pushing through policies that redistribute income from rich to poor, to some extent that is happening, says economist Mark Zandi of Moody's Economy.com.

About half the growth in personal income during the Obama presidency has come from an increase in government payments for unemployment insurance, Social Security, and welfare, he says.

"The economic recovery act increased those transfer payments," says Mr. Zandi, noting that, regardless, the government would pay out more in jobless benefits and welfare during a recession.

Tax rates for the wealthy may also rise: Obama has said he will allow the Bush income-tax cuts to expire. The highest marginal tax rate would climb to 39.6 percent, up from 35 percent. The new health-care law, moreover, raises taxes on people making more than $250,000 a year.

"Does that make it socialistic?" asks Zandi, who supported Sen. John McCain in the 2008 election. "It's not what I would define as socialism, but there is certainly a redistributional aspect to all this. The changes are taking place at the margins; there is not a sea change."

Probably the last president to be tagged as a socialist was Franklin Roosevelt, who took office during the Great Depression.

"FDR tried all kinds of things and was accused of all kinds of things," says Tom Cronin, a presidential scholar at Colorado College in Colorado Springs. "But in retrospect, he is someone who helped capitalism survive."

He suspects that Obama and his appointees are firm believers in the free-market system. But, he adds, "It's a free country, and people can say what they want about their president."


Financial reform: Will the next crisis be handled differently?

House passes financial reform, but a Senate hurdle awaits

Student loan reform: What it will mean for students



Thursday, July 1, 2010

Immigration Lunacy... Arizona... Continued

A friend visited my brother and I last night. He's a staunch Republican. So, as you probably know... Our conversations soon turned to politics. Now, the friend is a good person and he's a great musician. I believe he has a good heart and really thinks he knows what he's talking about. But, alas... he doesn't. We discussed the Arizona Immigration Bill, which he supports... and my bro and I are against. It made for a lively discussion! Well, there are several things in our discussion that I didn't have direct info... But, I'm going to post a few of them here; just for our friend, who claims to be a "Constitutionalist".
1. Okay... he being a "Constitutionalist" shouldn't agree with the first lines of the bill. Four times the word "Amending" was used. Four times the word "Revising" was used. Three times "Adding" was used. Wow, according to 'Constitutionalists' there was to be no change. That in itself is hyprocrisy.
2. The bill says that they want to discourage unlawful entry and economic activity by persons in the U.S. While I agree with this in some respects... Who's going to do the work? I can take you to a few dairy's, ranches, and farms in New Mexico.... The owners are hiring the illegal workers. Should I take things into my own hands? Guess I shouldn't because then there would be no one to pick/seperate the taters, chilies, peanuts, and other goods that we produce.
3. Our friend says that most of America wants change in the Immigration Policies... No Amnesty! Funny. Bush Jr. was all about amnesty. The Reps had all the chances in 8 friggen years to change policy and they didn't do it. Now, all of a sudden it's Obama's fault. That is plain stupid. And people that listen to the right wing zealots are not too bright, either.
4. I keep hearing that a "Lawful Stop" is the term used in the bill. Such as a speeding citation, theft, whatever... The bill does not say that, it isn't true. People claim to have read the bill... The bill says: "Any legitimate contact made by an official or agent of this state... Where reasonable suspicion exists is an alien". This could mean anything. If me and my brown skin were in a store, and a police officer came in; that is considered 'legitimate contact'. That officer can take me to jail if he/she believed I was here illegally. Is that fair and reasonable? I was born in these states, my mother, father, grandfather, and great-father. My direct relatives fought in wars for this country; for freedom... and this is what we are supposed to expect from one of our states? Our representatives?
5. It's so funny that the 'law' targets illegal immigrants so harshly, but barely touches on those that hire the illegal workers.... (Shortened) 'It is unlawful for an occupant of a motor vehicle to hire or pick up passengers if the vehicle blocks or impedes traffic.' That is so hypocritical. Okay... We are going to give you a ticket for blocking traffic, but go ahead and hire all those illegal immigrants in the back of your truck. Sheez.

These are a few things to consider... I'll be back with more. Hopefully, you have all read the 1070 law. I look forward to all comments.

Until next time... Carry on.


Seems a cant friend of mine is dead set on seeing the American middle class killed off. Can someone tell me please why it is that cant’s are so dead set on making sure the American middle class is decimated.

Seems these cants cannot or will not see reality. You hear them talking about giving “tax breaks” to corporations so they have a friendly environment in the US, I say screw that, so many Corporations from this country have said to hell with American workers , we got NAFTA passed so we can move off US shores set up shop in China, India Mexico and pay these people a pence of what American workers were paid. And now you hear these same people wanting to give more tax breaks to those corporations,  to hell with that I say, if a corporation creates jobs in this country and keep those jobs in this country so be it give them the breaks they need, put tariffs back in place to give those business a fair a market give them all the breaks you want, a business moves off our shore for cheaper labor, then they should have to pay tariffs to bring their goods back to our markets, and if you moved jobs off our shore not only should you have to pay tariffs, but you should also have to pay a yearly access fee to our markets. Yup I said it, access fees to our markets, we are the biggest consumer market in the world and to have a company such as a certain shoe maker move off our shores so they can pay someone 3 dollars a day, and ship those same shoes back here for shipping fees only and sell you those shoes for 100.00 your damn right they should have to pay an access fee. I don’t care about foreign owned corporations and anyone who moves jobs off our shore foreign owned at that point and should be treated as such.


When we get cants to realize they are the ones being decimated by these corporation instead of by the “illegal immigrants” maybe we can start to fix this country, but when you have a group of people who bury their heads in the sand and would rather blame brown people for their problems instead of the reason for the problems were created we will continue to o go down a path of self destruction.


Sorry for the rant I just get so pissed when I hear nonsense.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


The stimulus has not even been used up half way and does not go into full effect in till the end of 2010 and Obama according to ants is responsible for 18 months of a crisis that Bush and his cronies created. According to Beacker head the recession and the collapse started in 2005 which was still under complete can’t control and so to blame Obama and the dems for the colossal screw up of the cants is not only being unfair but is also being unrealistic.

Cants want us to forget about Bush and the Bush policies that got us to where we are at and in fact cry about it when it is brought up, but then they go back to when “Reagan” was president. Well the Bush policies were the Reagan policies on steroids and as Bush jr, Reagan ran the largest deficit in American history at his time, in fact Reagan deficit was larger than all previous president combined. Cants will say that that was due to carters admin. Cants fail to realize that in reality Obama plans are moving along faster than Reagan’s did and cants also seem to forget that Reagan raised taxes 11 times, all due to fiscal responsibility. Today’s cants want to run the deficit high and not pay for it, and when you try to pay for it they complain about paying for it. The deficit we see now was created mostly by Bush and the cants from 2000 to 2006, with two wars unpaid for, Medicare plan in the trillions un paid for and tax cuts in the trillions un paid for. In fact here is policy for you if we keep the bush tax cuts in place like the cants want us to do, we will lose over 22 trillion in revenue over the next ten years therefore dwarfing anything the dems want to do.  but nope it’s the dems fault is all we hear from the spend everything cants.


The major blow to our economy and the current fall of the stock market over the last week is all due to the cants blocking unemployment and the stalling of the recovery of the economy, most parties involved in economics, all agree to get the economy rolling that the government needs to spend,. The only ones questioning this are the same one’s who question global warming even in the face of both catastrophes as they unfold before us.


How can you trust a group of people who think education is a bad thing, and that scientist and the educated are your enemies, this is the questions Americans should start asking themselves.




Friday, June 25, 2010

Immigration Lunacy

Everyone knows about the immigration debate. The happenings in Arizona, drug and people smuggling.... It's a never ending story. But, does it have to be? The Tea Party and many Republicans applaud the Arizona law. Why? Do they really think this stupid law will really help? I think it was just a ploy to keep the debate alive and make sure the far right as are angry as they can get. This debate isn't about the issue anymore, it's about emotions; on both sides. The Rep's are trying to piss each other off because of the November elections. It's all politics and not rational thinking.

See, the problem isn't so much about illegal immigration. The problem lies with the companies that hire these folks. The problem is with the U.S. citizens who buy the drugs that are smuggled here. Many Progressives (including me) want the businesses that hire illegal immigrants jailed, fined, or shut down. Rep's don't. It's ironic how they talk about Reaganomics and the trickle down theory. Well, it goes both ways. The trickle down theory would work better with the immigration problem. If we dried up the jobs, arrested the owners/managers that hired illegal immigrants, there wouldn't be such an influx of people illegally crossing the border. Why? Because there would be no reason for them to come. But, I tell you this... The Rep's don't want owners punished. They WANT illegal immigration because they know that their base HIRES illegal immigrants. They know that those business leaders NEED the cheap labor that illegal immigrants do, and no one else wants to do. Farmers, ranchers, restaurants, warehouses, mom and pop stores of all kinds. Many of these owners/managers think they are Republicans, but more than that... They are hypocrits. As for the drug smuggling.... As long as there is a market for an illegal drug, it will be produced in other countries and sold here. No matter how many fences are built, silly cameras, Border Patrol, Military, Minute Men... etc. Criminals will find a way to sell their 'goods'. All of these illegal activities have to start from the top. From the business owners that hire illegal immigrants to the Chiefs of the drug cartels. Only then will we see a drop in illegal immigration.

Carry on.

Glen Beck is an Idiot

You know... I do a lot of reading. I love to read about sports, politics, science, religion and whatever else appears interesting. I read some things this morning that either made me laugh out loud waking my sleeping daughter; made me mad; or I shook my head and just said "are you kidding me?" The Tea Party voice; Glen Beck - has said some pretty stupid things on his program. I know some of these items are old, but wow. He actually accused the President of The United States as a racist. Then later, he accuses the first Muslim U.S. Represetative of being an enemy, only because of Ellison's beliefs. He said that he's sick of 9/11 victims being on TV and he wants them to shutup! He called Katrina victims 'scumbags'. The list goes on and on. It's hard to believe that anyone could listen to this idiot. Oh wait... Republicans do, and they buy into Beck's nonsense. Nevermind.

Carry on.

Who side are Cants on any ways?

I guess if you want Monopoly’s and want the rich to be the ruling factor you would think of “progressives ” as a cancer, since it is progressives who want a fair market and a competitive market. We know from recent history cants talk about free markets but do everything in their power to stifle it. They do not believe  in a free market, they believe in a market they control and do everything in their power to kill the innovations of the future. In fact we are seeing that ideology at work today with the oil spill in the coast.  We are seeing with our own eyes in real time the harm oil is doing to us as a people and to our nation, but cants are standing with oil trying to stifle any new energy ideas coming forward, it is in cant interest to keep the US on oil, and buying oil from countries and people who do not like us. You always hear cants question the “patriotism” of liberals, progressives and anyone else they do not agree with, but shouldn’t we be questioning their loyalty, when it is their passion to keep us enslaved to an industry that at times hates the American people  and its culture, makes you actually think about who side the cants are on.




Thursday, June 17, 2010


  Starting today we are going to change the format of this blog. We are going to start exposing the conservative movement for what it is. And point out to younger Americans that a vote for the GOP or the tea bagger party is not in their best interest.  Did you know that a lot of uninformed voters think that the GOP is for the working people of this country, in fact I know a “conservative” who was upset about the health care bill, but was mad because he is now having to pay for his health care. He though it was the GOP who set up Medicaid and Medicare and he did not know that the GOP is trying desperately to dismantle those programs. AS Chris Matthews stated last night, that the GOP and Tea Baggers have become the misinformed and actually showed where the misinformation was coming from.  I am changing this Blog today and with the help of Sena Struck hopefully we can change a few younger minds in to seeing the truth. That a vote for the GOP is a vote for BP types. A prime example of this is this story is the Texas Republican House member Joe Barton who today is accusing Obama of a BP shakedown. So let me get this right, Joe Barton is accusing Obama of a shakedown? So Does Barton think we as the tax payer should pay for the clean up? this is another example of the GOP ideology of “Privatize the profits, socialize the losses” When the country wake up to this nonsense and start voting these imbeciles out of office. It only starts with the expose of the hypocrisy of the right.



Friday, June 11, 2010

Where are the "Founding Father's " crowd on this issue?

Seems that we always hear tea baggers demanding we go back to the Constitution. But once again they only want to go back to parts of the constitution that they agree with and damn the rest. Typical of the Tea Baggers and Republican Party.


Buoyed by recent public opinion polls suggesting they're on the right track with illegal immigration, Arizona Republicans will likely introduce legislation this fall that would deny birth certificates to children born in Arizona - and thus American citizens according to the U.S. Constitution



Conservatives at it again?


 With this tea bagger thing, and yes I will call them tea baggers, you would think the mentality of “privatize the profits and SOCIALIZE THE LOSSES”  would be a thing of the past. But you have Boehner and Donahue both calling for the Federal Government to pick up the tab on the gulf spill. So let’s see exactly how the Tea baggers react to this or if they will do exactly as I think they will and remain silent. In fact I am almost willing to bet that they have no clue this is going on. Fox Channels is probably not playing this and since it is coming from the “main stream liberal media” a bunch are probably just ignoring it, even with Boehner saying it on national TV.  Ok Tea Baggers prove me wrong, and maybe I will start calling you the Tea party, but I bet you say and do nothing.





Ok so what is it?

OK so I have not written in a while but you know what, now I,m getting p***** and it has to do with the oil spill in the gulf. Yes I am p***** at Obama for not responding fast enough but I am more p***** about the so called "conservatives". I started this blog a while back to point out the nonsense and hypocrisy of the so called "conservatives". I, no ill take that back, we listened to a lot of conservatives and fox channel foam at the mouth about socialism health care and the taking over of business and such, but we are now hearing these exact same people complain about Obama not doing enough and in fact I even listened to tea bagger favorite, M Bachman complain that Obama was not forcing fisherman to skim the oil in the gulf. So Conservatives who complained about socialism are now wanting our government to force people to do labor? OK so which one is it.

I am going to pick this back up, I took a break for a bit, political overload, but I'm coming back. So those of you in the fact free zone, here I come.